The unexpected meeting

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Barry couldn't believe what was happening. Out of everyone at the camp who stood a chance at getting the Golden Fleece, whatever that is, Tantalus chose Clarisse. Barry had no doubt that Clarisse was a good fighter and all that, she could definitely take care of herself. Percy and Annabeth though had the knowledge needed for the quest. Barry was now more certain then ever that their new activities director didn't have the best interest in mind for camp half-blood.

Barry mind: well he can't exactly stop me from going as I'm not really a camper and I really don't care about that whole three demigods quest rule. Clarisse and whoever she brings with her is just going to have to deal with it I guess because I'm going to personally make sure this camp stays safe.

It was night and Barry decided to go for a walk in order to clear his head. He needed a clear mind in order to figure out just where he needed to begin in order to find this fleece. He had been walking for an hour now and still all he knew was what Percy and Annabeth shared with the camp.

Barry: so much for thinking at super speed. I guess sometimes it's better to slow down in order to think.

???: or speed up so that things seem like they've slowed down.

Barry thought he was completely alone as he walked. The male voice coming from behind him confirmed otherwise. Turning quickly Barry found a man he had never seen before standing in front of him. The man hand salt and pepper black curly hair, and blue eyes. He had on running shorts and a New York City marathon T-shirt.

Barry: who are you?

Despite the tone of his voice that told the man Barry wasn't against fighting and was willing to do it on a moments notice the man just continued to looking at him with a warm smile on his face.

???: well if I told you I doubt you would take it to well. You're not exactly my biggest fan.

Barry didn't know what he meant by that at all. Their really wasn't anyone that he down right hated, well there is one person. Then it hit him, the one person he hated the most in the world. Through clenched teeth Barry voiced his thoughts.

Barry: Hermes!

The man standing in front of Barry smiled even more. He was Hermes the messenger of the Gods, God of travelers, and thieves. He was also Barry's father.

Hermes: that's right son.

Barry: don't call me son! We may be related by blood but that's all we are you got that!

Hermes: (sigh) I was kinda hoping you had moved past this whole hating me thing.

When Hermes said that his voice spoke in an almost sad tone. That sad tone only made Barry angrier. He didn't yell though and instead just spoke in a icier tone of voice.

Barry: and why would I stop hating you? What exactly have you done to make amends?

Hermes: If I had known I wouldn't have let your mother die Barry. I loved her.

Barry: oh I can tell, that's why there's an entire cabin filled with my brothers and sisters who don't have the same mother as me.

Hermes: I'm a God Barry. You must understand that things are different for us compared to mortals.

Barry: is that what you tell yourself to justify your actions. Well let me tell you something, the right thing to do is always the right thing to do. Weather you're a God or a mortal it doesn't change.

Hermes: Barry.......

Barry: what do you want Hermes?

Hermes: (sigh) I know you're going after the Golden Fleece.

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