Attack of the killer Pigeons

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With Tantalus in charge and Mr.D being, well himself, the camp went through a lot of changes. Barry was sure that Tantalus was going for torturous but it seemed like the only one who acted like he was being tortured was Percy. But Barry also knew that Tantalus had nothing to do with that. He heard how Percy talked when his brother Tyson wasn't around. Percy was obviously not thrilled about having him as a brother.
Barry could understand Percy being mad about his father having other kids, lord knows he was when he found out. But Barry couldn't understand Percy being embarrassed by having Tyson as a brother. He may be a cyclops but from what Barry could tell he has got to be the nicest person at this camp.

Barry: I should probably talk to Percy about this.

???: talk to Percy about what?

While lost in his own thoughts Barry didn't hear the person walk up behind him. The voice he could tell was a girls voice and a familiar one at that. Quickly turning around Barry saw the same pretty girl that he met last summer.

Barry: Tina!

Tina: it's nice to see you again Barry.

It's nice to see you again too Tina is what Barry wanted to say but all the speedster could do was open and close his mouth a few times before giving Tina a goofy smile. This action caused Barry to internally kick himself for acting so dumb. That is until Tina began to laugh. After that Barry could only think about one thing.

Barry mind: man she has a beautiful laugh.

Tina then asked him a question but he failed to catch it do to still thinking about her beautiful laugh.

Barry: I'm sorry what?

Tina could help but to chuckle again at Barry's absent mindedness and again Barry was distracted by Tina. This time though it was by how pretty she looked when laughing. Even so he managed to catch what she actually said this time around.

Tina: I asked how your time away from camp was.

Barry: oh!

Like most campers Tine only stayed for the summer. And so Barry and Tina began to talk about winter break away from camp. Barry listened as she talked about the school she goes to. Apparently she's at one of those special schools for really smart kids. Tina also listened to Barry as he talked about what he did. Making sure to keep out the heroing stuff.

Barry's mind: maybe I should just tell her. I mean being hero couldn't hurt my whatever this is with her. Who needs a secret identity anyways?

As he was debating on weather or not to tell Tina about what he does she brought up an interesting topic.

Tina: when we were talking you brought up Central City. That's where you live right?

Barry: what? Oh yeah, yeah that's where I live.

Tina: so you know about that superhero guy they got their.

There it was, Barry's chance to impress Tina. All he had to do was tell her he was that guy. But before he could life decided to throw him a curve ball.

Tina: my boyfriend is a pretty big fan, which I think is funny considering no one knows who he is, or if he is even a he.

Barry: boyfriend?

For the rest of the conversation between the two of them Barry found out a few things he didn't know before. Apparently Tina was three years older then him for starters. That wasn't so bad though Barry thought because it was only three years. What continued to stick with him even after their conversation had ended and they went their separate ways was that she had a boyfriend.
As Barry went about the rest of the days activities all he could think about was Tina and how she wasn't available. In doing so he ended up missing a lot. Not all of it was important to him like archery and swordsmanship. But he probably should have paid attention to the class on monsters and other Greek myths or he guessed facts.
All this collimated in a day that ended with him getting stuck doing patrol work. Barry didn't mind though as he didn't even know if he'd be able to sleep tonight. Plus he got paired with Percy for the patrol so it wasn't so bad.

Percy: you look like you've had a fun day.

Percy said to Barry in a sarcastic tone.

Barry: I could say the same to you.

They both sighed before a conversation between the two started. They both talked about what had been bothering them or what went wrong or whatever. Funny enough they both were having girl troubles with Percy and Annabeth having a fight about Tyson. The fight when explained to Barry only confused him.

Barry mind: so Percy doesn't want Tyson to be his brother but he will still defend him? Or does Percy not care that Tyson is his brother and this is all about something else? I should probably ask him while I got his full attention.

Barry was about to ask when Percy abruptly changed topics. Barry was so caught off guard by this that he could do nothing but listen. But as he listened his curiosity was pecked. Apparently Percy has been having dreams about Grover, weird ones too. Normal Barry would just tell him that they were just dreams but he has dreams sometimes too. Always the same one with him running through New York trying to catch up to something or someone as there was destruction all around him.

Barry: I would tell you that it's just a dream but from what I've come to understand, dreams from demigods shouldn't be overlooked.

Percy then sighed and dropped his head in a defeated manner.

Percy: I was really hoping you'd tell it just a dream though.

Barry: I could but you know I don't want you feeling to calm and relaxed.

Barry's joke put a small smile on Percy's face and helped relieve some of his stress.

Percy: with friends like you Barry.

The rest or the time leading up to the big chariot race went by in a flash. Percy was no longer working with Annabeth on a chariot but Tyson. Barry wasn't working on one at all, thinking it wouldn't be fun. When you can break the sound barrier by jogging a speeding chariot wouldn't be very exciting was his thought process. So instead Barry thought it would be more exciting just to watch.
The race began with a thrilling start. Campers attacking each other and their chariots in order to get ahead. Barry was right, watching the race was a lot funnier then being in it himself. That fun however was spoiled when he looked over and saw Tina with the rest of the Hephaestus cabin. After seeing her Barry no longer felt like watching the race and decided to go for a walk.

Barry mind: why do I even fell this bad, it's not like we were seeing each other anyway.

Barry continued to walk around the camp lost in his own thoughts. Then all at once he was brought out of it by yells from the direction of the chariot race. Barry thought the yells were cheering.

Barry: wonder who won?

Barry began to make his way back to the chariot track. As he got closer he began to notice something, a bunch of somethings actually. He also began to realize that the cheers weren't cheers at all but screams and in some cases battle cry's.

Barry: are those birds?

Barry then noticed Percy and Annabeth riding his way on a Chariot.

Barry: what the heck is going on!?!

Percy: BIRDS!!!

Barry: what!?!


Barry still confused ran onto the chariot with them.

Barry: so what's going on?

Annabeth: stymphalian birds are attacking the camp.

Barry: then why aren't we staying and fighting?

Annabeth: one of the best ways to get ride of the birds is with loud frightening noises. So we're going to get Chiron's boom box.

Barry: you're thought process is confusing but if you need a loud frightening noise I can help.

Moving relatively slow for himself Barry made his was back to the track. Moving just out of sight from everyone Barry began to run laps. With each lap he went a little faster, then a little faster, then. A loud boom of Barry breaking the sound barrier echoed through the entire camp.
The noise did the trick and sent the birds into a panicked frenzy. Both Percy and Annabeth made it back by this point with Annabeth waisting no time yelling for archers to take out the weird pigeons. As they did Barry watched and thought to himself.

Barry mind: that takes care of that but this weak barrier is beginning to become an even bigger problem then it was before. I need to figure out how to fix it and fast.

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