Monster Yacht

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After taking way to long to decide who was going on this little quest of theirs, to the relief of Barry's patients, they finally agreed that all four of them would go. Barry could tell that Annabeth didn't like the decision on Tyson coming but she didn't argue. She also wasn't the only one who seemed to not like the decision ether. Even though Percy said that Tyson could come if he wanted too he didn't look to thrilled about it. Ether way the decision was made. Now the four of them just need to get to the yacht that for some reason Hermes told Percy they needed to be on.
Barry wondered if he could pull the same trick that he did in the underworld. Running on water there was easier though do to all the garbage that was floating in it.

Barry mind: could I do it on just water alone? Am I fast enough to run on pure water alone?

Barry didn't get the chance to test the idea do to Percy getting them, what Tyson referred too, and what Barry is now only going to call them, fish ponies. With them Barry didn't have to run on water because the helpful fish ponies carried them all the way to the yacht.
After reaching the yacht that Barry saw had the name the princess andromeda the fish ponies dropped them off. One by one all four of them climb aboard the ship. First Annabeth went up, then Percy and Barry followed after. Tyson though stayed behind to watch his fish pony do tricks. Which Tyson loudly stated his liking too.

Percy: Tyson shhhhh. Come on big guy we got to go.

After a long sad goodbye between Tyson and rainbow, the name Tyson gave to his fish pony, was finally over. After that the three boy were given a show from Annabeth of her trying to open up a pair of locked double doors with her knife. If said show was in Ancient Greece then Barry was sure it would have gotten an R rating for language. Eventually the doors were open and the four of them began sneaking through the ship.

Barry: (whisper) how long have we been sneaking around?

Annabeth: (whisper) about minute.

Barry: (whisper) well how long are we going to continue doing it for?

Percy: (whisper) why are you asking?

With that question from Percy, Barry stopped crouching. Standing straight up in the open he spoke in a normal tone.

Barry: because we walked about half the ship and we haven't run into a single person yet.

Annabeth: he's right.

Percy: yeah, it's like a ghost ship.

Tyson: no.

This got the threes attention and they turned towards Tyson.

Tyson: bad smell.

With clarification that what Tyson might've been smelling was monsters the four of them continued through the ship. Barry however couldn't help but think about how Annabeth acted towards Tyson when he told them about the monsters. Again this cyclops had been nothing but nice to them and she still seemed to hate him. Barry was sure Percy saw it to but they didn't have time to actually worry about it.
Moving on Barry and the others found themselves in the pool area of the yacht. Just like the rest of the ship it to was deserted. Only this time the deserted area was given an eerie feel thanks to the pools glow in the moonlight. The emptiness only helped to put the four on edge even more. However they were beginning to get tired. Even Barry with his insane amounts of energy was starting to feel the effects of the long night.

Percy: we should find a place to sleep.

Annabeth: (nodes head in agreement) sleep.

Barry: food would be nice too.

Tyson: (nodes head quickly) I also want food.

The four continued to look around until they came across a sweet on ninth level. When they tried the door the four found that it was unlocked. They found this weird but they were also to tired and hungry to complain. Inside the room was a basket of chocolate goods that Barry and Tyson waisted no time digging into. There was a bottle of iced cider on the table and mints on the pillows as well.

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