Charybdis and Scylla who?

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Clarisse: you guys are in so much trouble!

Barry didn't understand why Clarisse waited to say that till she was done giving them a tour of the deadliest ship in America. And Barry didn't mean deadly in any sort of combative way, no he was referring to the staggering amount of zombie confederate soldiers that were on the ship. Not to mention the ship itself looked and functioned like it was going to go up in flames at any moment. Clarisse seemed pretty proud of the weapons on the ship but Barry was more impressed by the fact that the thing still floated at all.
All through the ship the four of them were watched by the ghostly crew. This fact scared Tyson so much he made Annabeth hold his hand. Annabeth herself was excepted by the crew do to her being from Virginia, Percy being from New York was not expected. In fact they hissed at him, something Barry found hilarious. When it came to Barry the crew didn't know how to feel. Being from Missouri a middle state that fought on both sides of the Civil War. Barry didn't care though because he had more important things on his mind.

Barry: food!

They were now in the captain's quarters of the CSS Birmingham, or at least near it because it was so small. The ghostly crew had served them pb&j sandwiches and Barry was so hungry he wasn't about to turn down his share. Barry ate in the hallway as Clarisse told them how they were band from camp and Mr.D's threats. The four also learned that Clarisse got the ship from her Dad Ares and something about war losers having to survive him or something. To be completely honest Barry didn't really care to much about Ares.

Annabeth: Luke might also be after the fleece as well. He's got the coordinates, a ship full of monsters, and is heading south.

Clarisse: good I'll blow him out of the water.

Annabeth: Clarisse we need to combine forces.

Clarisse: no smart girl this is my quest. This time I'm going to be the hero and you guy won't steal my chance.

Percy: where's your cabin mates? You're aloud two friends to take with you.

From Barry's point of view it looks as if Clarisse's own cabin didn't even want to help her. Clarisse said she let them stay behind but by how red her face was getting that was obviously not the case. Barry kind of felt bad for the daughter of Ares. Sure they didn't get off to the best start but still, everyone needs friends right.

Clarisse: I don't need your help but I also can't let you go.

Percy: so are we prisoners then?

Barry: if so then that real is a twist I didn't see coming.

Percy: really?

Barry: sure, I read a lot of books to pass the time and this is the point that we're all supposed to reluctantly come together and then through are sheared hardships we become friends and now I'm starting to see where I went wrong.

Annabeth: like getting your living advice from a fictional book.

Barry: yup.

Clarisse: you're not prisoners but guests for now.

Clarisse then turned to the ghostly confederate.

Clarisse: captain take them below and assign them hammocks. If they don't mind their manners them show them how we deal with spy's.

As soon as Barry's head hit the pillow he was out like a light. But do to the dream he was having his sleep was anything but peaceful. In his dream everything started off great, him and his friends had gotten the fleece and were now heading back to camp. But then out of nowhere a blue and silver strike rocked bye knocking all of them to the ground and taking the fleece. When Barry finally got a good look at their attacker he saw it was him. This wasn't like his yellow speedster dream though where he saw a demonic red eyed version of himself. This time the blue speedster was a perfect copy of Barry.

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