The Gift

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They walked in a line, the first in that line was their guide, the massive cyclops. The next in line was Barry who was trying to remember every nook and cranny about the place so that they had a better time getting out in a hurry if need be. The last in their little line was Tyson who obviously didn't want to be there judging by his grasp on Barry's shirt alone.

Tyson:(whisper) can we leave now?

Tyson was obviously spooked and to be honest Barry didn't blame the guy. They were currently being led down a creepy cavern walk way. The only light was coming from what looked to Barry like hand crafted lanterns that hung from the wall every few feet.

Barry:(whisper) sorry buddy but until we figure out how to get off the island I bet it's safer to see what what these guys want.

Reluctantly Tyson nodded his head in understanding.

Barry mind: of course I have been wrong before.

The group continued to push forward, their guide Barry assumed heard their little conversation. He only assumed this because he is a cyclops like Tyson and Barry seen how good Tyson's hearing is. But their massive one eyed guide didn't turn back, flinch, or even break his stride.

Barry mind: I guess since we decided to keep going he didn't see a need to do anything. Or he was just to dumb to listen to Tyson and me. Ether way we're still good for now.

The cavernous tunnel that the little group walked down seemed to go on forever. It was so bad that Barry wondered if the dang thing even had an end or were they just going to continue to walk for the rest of their lives. After another minute Barry had finally had enough and was about to ask their Cyclops guide what was going on. Barry stopped though when he noticed Tyson flinch. Looking back he saw the younger cyclops curiously looking ahead of them.

Barry: what is it?

Tyson: I hear smithing.

Barry: what?

Before Tyson could say any more their guide spoke for the first time since entering the cavernous hallway.

Cyclops guide: almost there.

After a minute more of walking Barry was begging to hear something too. The noise was the sound of metal hitting metal. The sound of metal on metal wasn't the only thing Barry noticed ether. It would have been hard to miss but it was also getting hotter as the three of them continued to move forward.

Barry: why's it so hot? We getting close to the center of a volcano or something?

Tyson: heat not from volcano.

Barry looked back at Tyson.

Barry: then what's it from?

Tyson: the same thing that's making the noise.

Barry: and that would be?

Tyson: the forge that's up in front of us.

Barry was visible confused by what Tyson said.

Barry: forge?

It was here that their Cyclops guide spoke again.

Cyclops Guide: the young one is right. One of the many forges of Hephaestus is up ahead.

It was here that Barry had wished that he'd listened to Tyson and left when they had the chance. Barry could see that the young Cyclops was a lot less nervous now and looked a little excited. Barry wished he could feel the same but all he felt was tension. Barry always talked about not wanting anything to do with the Gods and here he was going into one of the gods forges. Then all of a sudden a memory came back to Barry.

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