Breaking into the Underworld

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Barry lead Percy, Annabeth, and Grover from the waterbed store to the DOA recording studio building. When they arrived the four just stood out front looking at the gold plated letters on the sign of the building. What was about to come next neither of them were really prepared for.
The four of them were about to head down into the underworld. Even with the plan that they came up with they were still nervous about the whole thing. Even Barry with his powers was nervous. I mean what kid wants to go to the afterlife this early. Still they had to do it.

Percy: alright guys, remember the plan?

Grover: yeah the plan.

Annabeth: what happens if the plan doesn't work?

Barry: don't worry it'll work. We just need to get down to the underworld first.

With that said all four of them walked in. When they got in they saw that the place was packed. This was surprising as it was nearing midnight. Of course they were at the entrance to the underworld so this might be a normal thing here.
Walking past everyone the group walked right up to the front desk. At the desk sat a man in what Barry thought might have been a really experience suit. Percy then asked the man if his name was Chiron. Barry saw that the man really didn't like that.

???: do I look like a centaur to you?

Percy: no.

???: no sir.

Percy: no sir.

Charon: good my name is Charon, say it with me. Char.....

Percy: Char.

Charon: on.

Percy: on.

Charon: Charon.

Percy: Charon.

Charon: good, I hate being mistaken for that horse.

Barry: well now with that pointless interaction out of the way we need to get into the underworld.

Charon: well that's new.

Annabeth: it is?

Charon: yup, usually people make excuses or beg not to be taken so having four who are willing to go is definitely a breath of fresh air. So how did you die?

Barry: how did we die?

Charon: yes you need to be dead to enter the underworld.

Barry: you do?

Charon looked up from his book at the for that were standing in front of him. As he looked at them a realization came to him. He then pointed at Percy.

Charon: you couldn't read my name. Are you dyslexic?

Percy: no I'm dead.

Hearing this Barry couldn't help to face palm himself. Why on earth did Percy think that was a good answer?

Charon: you four aren't dead, your godlings.

Barry: yes and we need to get into the underworld.

Charon: no living aloud.

Barry: is that so?

Barry then snapped his fingers and Percy placed a handful of drachma on the desk. Barry could see that Charon really wanted the coins but he still said no. So in response Percy put even more coins on the desk. Now they had him. In exchange for all there coins Charon would take the four of them to the underworld.
Charon lead them to an elevator in the back of the building. When the doors opened Barry saw that it was already pretty much full. Even so they still squeezed in. Once in they began to drop. After awhile though they stopped dropping and were instead moving forward.
As they moved forward the elevator turned into a boat all of a sudden. When this happened Barry looked back at Charon. What he saw freaked him out though.

Charon: what?

Barry: what happened to your face!?!

Charon: what about my face?

Barry: nothing, just forget it!

Barry said as he quickly turned back around in his seat. Eventually the boat reached the other side and everybody began to get off. Once back on land Barry looked around. What he saw was that the security for the underworld was like the security that you would find at an airport.

Barry: is this it, if so then the plan is definitely going to work.

Annabeth: don't be to sure.

It was then that the four began to hear what sounded like a dog barking. Barry looked around but couldn't see where it was coming from. Then it slowly started to appear. Right in front of them a massive three headed dog began to appear.

Barry: why is it just appearing out of nowhere?

Annabeth: I think it's because we are getting closer to being dead.

Barry: oh that's just great.

Annabeth: just remember the plan Barry......Barry?

When she looked over Annabeth saw that Barry was just staring off to the side. She then shook him a little bit and he came back to his senses.

Annabeth: Barry are you ok?

Barry: yeah I just thought I saw something.

The reason Barry was looking off to the side was because he did see something. As him and Annabeth talked about Cerberus, out of the corner of his eye Barry thought he saw a figure in a black suit, with sparks of red coming off of him. When he looked over though the figure was gone.
Barry decided to not focus on it though. Instead they would focus on the task at hand. Percy and Annabeth stood on ether side of Barry. Then Grover climb onto his back.

Barry: now where am I going?

Annabeth then told him where he needed to go. She believed that it would be the fastest way to Hades palace. With that knowledge Barry grabbed both Percy and Annabeth. When he had ahold of them and made sure Grover was secure he took off.
Barry ran straight past Cerberus and all of the underworlds security. The alarm didn't even start to go off until all four of them were standing in front of the Palace.

Annabeth: that was........

Percy: awesome!

Annabeth: when you run is everything around you blur like it was for us?

Barry: actually my perception of everything is speed up to so to my everything is in slow motion.

Annabeth: fascinating.

Grover: oh man!

Barry: what?

Grover: you went so fast my shoes fell off.

Barry: sorry about that.

Grover: it's fine, I got another pair in my bag.

Percy: well guys were here.

Standing tall right in front of them was Hades's palace.

Barry: welcome to the king of the dead people's home.

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