A Mysterious Letter

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Central City, home to the average and normal. Normal homes, normal buildings, normal jobs, and I guess somewhat normal people. That all changed when lightning struck. Now there's a new criminal with a gimmick every week. Nothing to dangerous mind you, there still criminals that the cops could handle on there own. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it the cops never get the chance to.
When the cops show up on the seen of the crime there always greeted by the same sight every time. The suspect that's supposed to be committing the crime is taken care of and tide up for them. Then when they ask the witnesses what happened it's always the same story.
For weeks now, months even, witnesses haven't been able to see who or what has been taking care of the criminals and other problems around the city. Problems ranging from bank robberies, to falling citizens that got to close to the ledge, to even cats stuck in trees. Now sure all these problems could be different people just trying to do good but that doesn't answer the question as to why there all connected by one thing. Witnesses swear that they see a red streak appear out of nowhere before the problem is solved and vanish just as quickly when things are over.
Neither the police nor anyone for that matter can explain what this red strike is. However it's the opinion of this reporter that Central City has its own guardian angel. And I'm sure we can all sleep better at night knowing th...........

The channel on the tv was flipped before the news report finished what he said. The channel on the tv continued to be flipped again and again. Slowly but surly the channel changing continued to get faster and faster.

???: so I'm a guardian angel on channel 5? Channel 15 said I was a ghost and channel 12 said I was a criminal ring leader.

The channels were now changing even faster then should be possible.

???: (sigh) there's never anything on.

At that moment both the tv and the remote began to smoke.

???: NOT AGAIN!!!

Moving fast the fastest mortal in existence runs up to the tv and begins to beat in with a towel that he had gotten from the bathroom. For awhile the tv continued to smoke but it did eventually stop. Not till after Barry hit it with the bathroom towel at least a thousand times though.

Barry: (sigh) thank god it didn't burst into flames again, I can't afford to get another one.

Barry then turned and began to walk away from his tv to another part of where he lives. Barry's new home isn't much to look at. All it is, is an abandoned house that Barry fixed up. With the help of his brain and his speed he was able to tern this abandoned house into a perfectly fine to live in home. The only thing Barry really has trouble with is keeping the power on.
Since Barry can't afford electricity he is actually forced to steel it. But he can't just take it from one source do to the company that he's taking the electricity from being able to track down where it went. So Barry decided to only take a small amount from multiple different companies in order to power his home.
Strung all around his home were things and projects that Barry used to keep himself busy. The projects ranged from many different things but what he seemed to have the most of is books. The only problem is that Barry would finish the books in no time at all. That's why there seemed to be hundreds of them in his house. He would finish reading the book in a second or two depending on his dyslexia then move on to the next one.
As he was making his way of to get another book that he'll finish in less then a second a voice rang out all through Barry's abandoned home. Barry didn't look nervous or worried at all because he knew exactly where that voice was coming from. Sitting on a table not to far away was an old police scanner. He immediately began to make his way over.

Barry: so now you decide to work.

When Barry first got the police scanner it didn't work at all. It took Barry two weeks just to get the thing to turn on and even then it still doesn't work half the time. Now wasn't one of those times however and the news of a bank robbery by a guy with boomerangs was now screaming in his home.

Barry: boomerangs? Where the heck are all these guys coming from?

Ever since Barry got back from retrieving a Gods stolen weapon he has been fighting gimmicked criminal after gimmicked criminal. Before Barry would only fight bad guys when he just happened to come across them. But after meeting Percy and the others he has taken on more of a reluctant crime fighter role. He still doesn't want to be a hero like the others.

Barry: well.........

Barry began to stretch his limbs.

Barry: I guess let's get this over with.

Barry stopped stretching and faster then anyone can blink ran out of the house. He began to make his way to the Central City bank where the guy calling himself Captain Boomerang was currently robbing it. As he was running to the bank though something continued to plague his thoughts.

Barry mind: what kind of man robes a bank with boomerangs?

Central City Bank

???: all right all of you put your hands in the air because in case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm about to robe you!

At this nobody moved and instead just looked at the guy who didn't even bother to cover his face telling them that he was robbing them. The man didn't even appear to have any weapons or anything with him.

???: well come on, put your hands up!

Still the people did nothing. The security guards in the bank however came out and were making there way to the man. The guards didn't get far though when the robber threw his coat open. In a instant the man had thrown something with incredible force and hit the guards. All three then fell to the ground seriously injured while the man caught what he threw. That's when everyone in the bank saw a bloody boomerang in his hand.

???: like I was saying, my name is George Harkness or Captain Boomerang as some have called me and I'm here to robe you.

No one had trouble believing George was there to robe the bank after that display. Seeing him take out three guards in an instant really helped to get the point across. So much so that it wasn't long before George was in the back vault filling up bags with loads of cash. He was going to take as much as he could care and it didn't take George long to get it pack ether.
Once done he stepped out of the vault and looked around to make sure he was still alone. Seeing that he was George went to leave before the cops could arrive. That's when a gust of wind inside the bank seemed to knock George to the ground while also taking the money from him.

George: what the!?!

Quickly the so called Captain Boomerang got to his feet and as fast as he could pulled out his weapon of choice, a single boomerang. Even faster then he drew the boomerang it was gone, taken by the same gust of wind that had knocked him to the ground.

George: what's going on!?!

Hearing something behind him George turned around quickly. When he did though his entire world went black. Later police would tell him that he was knocked out when they found him. When George asked what had knocked him out the officer made a joke saying that it might have been the Central City ghost. The officer found this very funny but George Harkness didn't. Instead the man sat in his cell and pondered what the officer had said.

George: a ghost? A red ghost? Interesting.

After taking care of yet another criminal with a gimmick Barry made his way back home. In a matter of seconds he had left the bank and found himself sitting on the old couch that he found.

Barry: oh man what a week. First the guy trying to shoot me with liquid nitrogen and now a guy with a boomerang.

Letting out another sigh Barry sunk deeper into the couch. That however is when he noticed it. A letter that he hadn't seen before was sitting on the couch addressed to him. Looking over it the first thing Barry did wasn't to read it. Instead he began to run around his home checking all of his makeshift security systems, if you can call a door stop, bell, and a bar threw the door handle a security system.
Seeing that nothing was touched Barry sat back down on the couch and after looking at the envelope for another minute decided to finally open. There inside was a letter. With in a second Barry read the note and was shocked by what it said. There was no name attached to it but whoever it was that wrote it knew about Camp Half-Blood because it said that the camp was being threatened.
Barry knew that it would be stupid of him to just trust a letter from a unknown source, but he also couldn't just ignore it ether. If it was possible that his friends and family were in danger then he had to help. So with his mind made up Barry flew out of his house like a bolt of lightning and began running back to the place he never thought he would ever return too.

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