Friends and Enemies

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It didn't take long for police backup and tv news crews to arrive. By the time they had gotten there though Ares had already managed to slip away. It was fine though, Barry really didn't think that the police could hold the God of War anyway. The news crews were good though.
Once they had arrived Percy and his mom were able to clear everything up. They managed to clear Percy's name. Percy even got to give his step father a little one, two as well. All in all things were starting to turn around. That is until they remembered that they barley had anytime at all to return the lightning bolt.

Annabeth: we need to get to New York fast.

Grover: how though Percy can't fly and that's the fastest way?

Percy: maybe Zeus can let it slid this one time so that he can get the bolt back.

Annabeth: maybe but if he doesn't......

Barry: I can get you there.

The three looked over at Barry who was walking up to them. As Barry was walking up he had a bunch of food in his hands. He was also wearing clothes that a police officer had gotten for him. By the time he walked up Barry had finished his last bit of food and was now fully energized.

Barry: you, Grover, and Mrs.Jackson can take a plane back to where ever.......

Annabeth: New York.

Barry: right and I can run Percy to where ever he needs to go.

Annabeth: Empire State Building in New York.

Barry: right.

Annabeth: that's a long run and we don't have much time. Can you make that?

Barry: of course I can.

Barry then patted his stomach.

Barry: now that I got some energy back I can easily run that. I won't even need to go full speed.

With that as the plan Annabeth, Grover and Sally went around and collected money to get plane tickets back to New York. As they did that Barry and Percy snuck off. It would be bad if the news crews or anyone for that matter saw Barry take off with Percy at inhuman speeds. The two of them eventually found a good secluded spot.

Percy: so how are we doing this?

Barry: what do you mean?

Percy: I mean are you going to carry me like you did in the underworld or are we doing something different?

Barry: how about you just hop on my back and I'll carry you like that.

Percy: ok.

With that Percy hoped onto Barry's back like he said. Percy then gave Barry a node showing he was ready to go. Seeing this Barry nodded back before turning his attention forward.

Barry: hear we go.

Barry then blasted off in a blur of speed. In no time at all Barry was already leaving California. In just a minute or two He had already past through half of the country. All the while Percy held on for dear life. At this speed there would be nothing left of him if he fell off. To Percy's relief though the two eventually made it to the Empire State Building in New York.

Barry: well we're here.

Barry had stopped in an alleyway across from the famous building.

Percy: thank the Gods.

Barry just looked at Percy when he said that.

Percy: what?

Barry: nothing I just didn't expect you to say that.

Percy: why?

Barry: because from what I understand you're just as new to this as I am so I just didn't expect you to say something like that.

Percy: well after you just ran from California to New York in a matter of minutes it felt like the right thing to say.

Barry: fare enough. So now what?

Percy looked up towards the top of the Empire State Building with Barry following his gaze.

Percy: I guess we go in and give Zeus back his bolt.

Barry: you.

Percy: what?

Barry: you go in and give Zeus back his bolt.

Percy: you're not coming?

Barry: I don't want any part of this life Percy. Even before I knew about this life it was already taking everything from me. So I'm going to stay out of it as much as possible.

Percy: then why did you help?

Barry: because my friends need me.

With that Percy and Barry couldn't help but smile at one another. Percy was probably Barry's first real friend and while Percy had friends he felt as though he had more in common with Barry. The two then fist bumped.

Percy: ok I'll go up and give back the lightning bolt.

Barry: I'll wait here for you.

Percy: right.

Percy made his way into the building. As he did Barry waited outside for him. As Barry waited he watched the people walk by. As he did Barry could say without a shadow of a doubt that there was nothing interesting about them. Barry was beginning to get bored just waiting. His attention was drawn up and away from everyone when he heard the sound of lightning sticking.

Barry: sounds like old thunder dome got the bolt back.

Barry began to look back down towards the streets when he stopped. On top of a building across the street from him stood a figure. As soon as Barry spotted this figure his Blood ran cold.
The figure in question was a fully grown man. Said man wore a skin tight yellow suit with red lighting bolt patterns on it. The suit also had a white circle with a red lightning bolt on the chest. What stood out must though was the mans piercing red eyes.

Barry: you.

The figure with out warning took off leaving a trail of red lightning in his wake. Barry wasted no time in chasing after the guy leaving his own trail of blue lightning. And so the race was on. Barry chased the man in yellow all over New York. The two eventually stopped in the middle of Central Park. When they did Barry looked angry and out of breath while the man in yellow looked calm and collected. It was safe to say that he was faster then Barry.

Barry: who are you!?!

Man in yellow: if you want to know that you'll have to catch me first Flash.

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