New Friends

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Annabeth: what do you mean you think you know?

Percy: just follow me.

Percy began to walk off in the direction of Barry leaving the other two. Annabeth and Grover watched him take off before looking at each other. Seeing that neither one of them knew what Percy was doing they decided to just follow him. Percy and the other two got close to Barry but didn't walk right up to him. They stopped a few feet away and just watched.

Grover: what are you doing?

Percy: just seeing if he does something again.

Annabeth: does what again?

Percy: just watch.

Reluctantly they did. They watched as Barry just stood there. Seemingly waiting in line to get food. But then when he walked up to the food cart there was a quick flicker. The flicker was almost completely invisible to the demigods. It probably would have been if it wasn't for there heightened battle senses. After the flicker was done Barry immediately began to walk away.

Percy: he did it again.

Grover: did what again?

Grover asked still confused.

Percy: that thing he does.

Annabeth: he stole food is what he did.

Percy/Grover: what?

The look of confusion on both Grover's and Percy's faces just made Annabeth sigh in frustration.

Annabeth: he didn't have anything in his hand when he walked up to the food cart right?

Percy: yeah and?

Annabeth: and now look.

Annabeth pointed to Barry's hands and sure enough he had things in them. Five hot dogs to be exact. Stolen right out from under the vendors nose.

Grover: how did he?

Percy: I don't know but I do know a way to find out.

Annabeth: wait!

It was already to late. Percy had taken off to go talk to Barry. All Annabeth and Grover could do was catch up to him. It didn't take long for Percy to catch up to Barry. I mean all he was doing was enjoying his hot dogs while watching the police drive by. Seeing this Percy walk straight up to Barry. No hesitation in his step.

Percy: how did you do that?

Barry with a mouth full of hot dog looked over at the newcomer. To his surprise it was that Percy guy. The one he saved form the monster.

Barry: what?

Percy: how were you able to get me from the top of the arch to the bottom in no time flat?

Barry: I don't know what you're talking about. Now I got to go.

Percy: wait I know it sounds weird but you're different from everyone else. I know because we're the same as you.

Barry just watched as Percy gestured to his friends that just came walking up. He didn't know how this Percy guy knew he was different. It didn't really matter ether. But he was sure that these guys weren't like him. As much as he would like them to be so that he didn't have to be alone he knew that it just wasn't possible. He was the impossible. There was no one else like him.

Barry: I highly doubt that we're the same.

With that Barry turned to leave but was stopped by the question Percy ask next.

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