Victory and it's consequences

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If you'd said that the lightning arcing off of Barry was just regular electricity then you would be wrong. That same blue lightning that is coming off of him is made up of the same mysteries energy that Barry feels coursing through him when he runs. Since the day of the accident till right now Barry has been trying to figure out what that energy is.
To this day he still couldn't tell you. Using his super-speed Barry has read through thousands of books that might shed light on it. What would have taken years he did in weeks. Still he discovered nothing. All Barry could say for certain is that this mysterious force is what grants him his amazing speed.
With his speed Barry has done some pretty childish things. He is a child after all, and one with superpowers at that. Even so Barry never once ignored somebody that needed his help. When someone was in danger he always used his speed to help them. Now it was his new friends, arguably his only friends, who were the ones in danger. He is definitely not turning his back on them. He won't lose anyone else. Not again.
Barry ran at Ares at a speed greater then even the God of War could track. If this man wanted to hurt his friends then Barry was going to show him why he made a mistake. When Barry got up to the God of War though surprisingly he stopped.
Even when he stopped running though Barry was still moving so fast that it was like Ares was in slow motion. Barry then clinched his hand into fist, raised it, then he let the God have it. The punch from Barry was thrown so fast that it hit Ares with enough force to send him flying. Barry wasn't just going to settle for one punch though. Running around Barry easily intercepted the flying God. When he did Barry sent Ares flying a different direction with a hook punch to the jaw.
While to everyone else this next encounter took less then a second. To Barry he spent the equivalent of a few minutes playing ping pong with the God of War. Barry was going to make sure that Ares had learned his lesson.
Eventually though Barry did stop batting around Ares. Barry wasn't a cruel guy, even Ares didn't deserve to take his punches forever. That doesn't mean Barry wasn't going to give him one to remember. With a little more force then before Barry punched Ares one last time. This time though in the direction of the ground.
With a loud boom everyone watched as sand from the beach was launched into the air. For a little while the falling sand obscured there vision. When the sand began to clear though Annabeth, Grover, Percy, and Sally were shocked by what they saw. There in a crater in the sand was Ares. And standing a few feet away from the fallen God in tattered, burnt clothes fixing to fall off was Barry.

Barry: I got him!

All the four of them on board walk could do was node there heads while having a dumbfounded look on there faces. Barry then ran up to them, albeit at a much slower pace then he was going while fighting Ares. Once he made it to the others, again they just looked at him dumbfounded.

Barry: what?

Grover: what do you mean what? You just beat the God of War!

Barry: so?

Annabeth: so! There are very few people who can say they've done that Barry. In fact the only ones that I can think of that can are all Gods themselves.

Barry: so you're saying that not only am I going to be remembered for escaping the underworld but also for beating Ares?

Annabeth: well yes.

Barry: sweet!

Annabeth: no not sweet!

Barry: why not?

Percy: yeah why not? It seems like something worth celebrating to me.

Annabeth: escaping the underworld is one thing but beating a God. Barry there probably going to be keeping a close eye on you now.

Barry: who and why?

Annabeth: the Gods. Some of them might see you as a threat to there power. Some might even want to get rid of you just in case.

Grover: that's got to suck.

Barry: no kidding.

Percy: but Barry has been helping us, that also means he's been helping them?

Barry: well actually I've only been helping you because you're my friends. I honestly don't care about the Gods.

Annabeth: exactly. With Barry's power and his mind set they could view him as a threat. That's how I would be if I were in there position.

Barry: hey!

Annabeth: if I was in there position! That's not how I feel now.

Barry: oh ok, but still.

Sally: can I chime in here?

Percy: what is it mom?

Sally: Barry is it?

Barry: yes ma'am.

Sally gave Barry a warm motherly smile. This is something that Barry hasn't seen in quite a while. He'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it.

Sally: Barry it's likely that the Gods are going to feel threatened by you anyway........

Barry: thanks.

Barry said with sarcasm.

Sally: but through your actions they might change there mind.

Barry: what are you saying?

Sally: you seem like a good person Barry so just keep being good and they may change.

Barry: I see.......but what if they don't change there minds about me? What if they continue to see me as a threat?

Grover: then they'll hunt you done and.........

Percy: dude!

Grover: sorry.

Annabeth: Grover's right though. If that dose happen then they won't stop till they get you.

Barry: great.

Barry said feeling as if the entire world was now against him. It was bad enough being on his own. Now there's a chance that Gods might start coming after him. Before Barry could feel any worse though Sally put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Sally: from what I can tell Barry you can out run the best of them. So if they do come after you just do what you seem to do best.

Barry: and that is?

Sally: run Barry run.

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