Speedsters hate truck rides

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While gone Percy, Annabeth, and Grover watched with Ares as Barry got caught in Hephaestus's trap. They watched as he used his speed to avoid everything, then got out with little trouble. As they watched Barry disappear on the tv screen there was a wooshing noise and a red blur. Next thing they know Barry is standing in front of them outside the diner.

Barry: got the shield and nothing else happened.

The three just looked at him as if he had two heads.

Barry: what?

Percy: we saw everything.

Barry: ok so I ran into a little problem but the important thing is I got the shield.

Ares: you work fast kid, barley had to wait. I like that.

Ares went to reach for his shield but Barry held it out further away from him.

Barry: information and ride first.

Annabeth: Barry you shouldn't........

Ares: it's fine, it's actually smart. You really shouldn't trust a lot of the Gods especially me.

Ares pointed over to a semi truck that was across the parking lot. Apparently that was going to be there ride as when Ares snapped his fingers the back doors opened. He then began to explain to Percy that his mom was still alive.
Ares held up his end of the deal so Barry did to. He gave the war god back his shield. When Ares got it he turned it into a bulletproof vest. Ares then gave the four a bag of supplies. Percy went to reject it but Grover excepted it before he could.
With business taken care of Ares got on his bike and left. Not before threatening Percy though. When he was gone Barry and the others got on the truck. What they saw was terrible though. Animals, three of them, all treated inhumanly. No one was happy with the sight. Before they could do anything however the truck drivers came back.
After getting out on the road Barry used his powers to make the animals as comfortable as possible. After that they just had to wait till they came to a stop. As they waited it grew silent and stayed that way for a little bit.
Eventually Annabeth broke the silence when she asked Percy about the Iris message with Luke. Percy went on to explain what exactly happened. While explaining he brought up Luke say Grover wouldn't fail again. This lead to Grover explaining what happened to Thalia. That lead into some heart felt words and the three growing closer. Barry was pretty happy to see that. Annabeth then turned her attention to Barry.

Annabeth: alright I waited long enough. Tell me how you got your powers.

Barry: like I said it was a accident that gave them to me.

Annabeth: I want to know everything.

Barry obliged and began to tell them everything. He told them about how he was visiting his uncle when lightning stuck him, throwing him into a rack of chemicals. How he discovered his body was supercharged. After he was done the two just thought about what he said. Annabeth in deeper thought then Percy.
As Annabeth thought she played with her necklace. When Percy asked about it the conversation some how lead to her father. Apparently they didn't have the best relationship.

Percy: so are you going to try working it out with him.

Annabeth: please I'm not into self inflicted pain.

When Barry heard that he just shook his head.

Annabeth: what?

Barry: nothing, it's just that a lot of people would give up everything just to have there parents yell at them one last time.

Annabeth: like who?

Barry: I can name one. I just hope you realize what you have before it's to late.

With that Barry laid down and fell asleep. It wasn't a peaceful sleep though. He was having a reacquiring nightmare. Barry walks into his home only to see the man in yellow standing over his mom. Barry turns to run but when he does the man in yellow is already right in front of him. The man grabs Barry and slams him against the wall. The man in yellow then takes off his mask only to reveal Barry himself but with red eyes.

Bad Barry: remember Barry that you did this.

Barry: no!

Bad Barry: yes you did. You killed your mother Barry.

Barry: NOOO!!!!!

Barry shot up awake only to see Annabeth next to him.

Annabeth: there coming hide.

Barry: what?

She didn't answer and instead turned invisible thinks to her hat. Barry looked over towards Percy only to see him and Grover diving behind some sacks. His attention was then brought to the door as it started to open. Using his speed Barry shot by the driver fast enough to not be seen. The only thing showing he was there was the wind.
Barry waited a little bit for the right time to get back in the truck. As he waited out came all of the animals. Barry watched as the drivers chased them and the police chased the drivers. After that Percy, Annabeth, and Grover got out of the truck.
Barry regrouped with them and the four went walking through Las Vegas. They walked for what seemed like forever. None of them knew what they were looking for. Eventually they ended up at a dead end in front of a casino.
The place was called the Lotus Hotel and Casino. The door man to the place was nice, that's probably why when he asked if the four wanted to come in they did. The place seemed nice but as soon as he walked in Barry could feel that there was something wrong with the place. He didn't know what it was though.

Barry mind: it's like my body can't tell weather it needs to slow down or speed up. What the heck is going on with this place?

The Bellhop guy then walks up to the four of them.

Bellhop: welcome to the Lotus Hotel. We hope that you enjoy your stay.

Barry: I don't think I will.

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