The Stepfather

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Barry and Percy were now walking up the flight of stairs leading to Percy's apartment floor. The reason the two of them were there was because Percy wanted to check in on his mom. It was understandable but Barry's mind was on something completely different. With every step he took the thoughts of all his past failures came back to him, none more so then the man in yellow. Barry was brought out of his thoughts though by Percy when the two of them reached his apartment.

Percy: we're here! Hey are you listening?

Barry: what?

Barry had a look of confusion on his face from Percy's question do to his mind being elsewhere.

Percy: I said we're here, you know my apartment.

Percy gestured to the apartment door.

Barry: right you're apartment. We're here to check on your mom.

Percy: are you ok?

Barry: of course I am.

Barry then let out what Percy could tell was a pretty fake laugh. It was like Barry didn't even try to make it sound believable. However Percy decided not to try and push the topic.

Percy: if you say so but if you need to talk about anything........

Barry: thanks Percy but I'm fine.

Percy: ok.

Percy not wanting to push his new friend into talking opened the door to the apartment. Him and Barry then made there way inside where they were met with a relieved Sally Jackson who quickly pulled Percy into a hug. Barry would normally be really happy to see this sort of interaction but not this time. With all of the memories that had been flooding to him all this did was remind the speedster of what he didn't have.
That was until something happened that not even the fastest boy alive saw coming. Percy's mom actually pulled Barry into a hug as well. This caught the young speedster off guard but eventually he found himself hugging her back.

Sally: thank you for watching out for Percy.

Percy: hey! How do you know it wasn't me watching out for him?

Sally: because I'm your mother and mother's know best. Plus you could get yourself into trouble at a library.

Percy didn't say anything back to his mom and instead just grumbled under his breath. After that Sally released Barry from her hug and while the speedster found himself not wanting to let go he did anyway. Barry didn't know what it was but Sally's hug actually made him feel better. Maybe he just needed a hug or maybe he needed the kind of hug only a mother could give. He didn't know, all he did know is that it helped. That feeling though was quickly taken away as soon as the door to the apartment opened.
When it did in walked the ugliest, smelliest man that Barry had ever come across. That's saying something to because he had traveled a lot thanks to his speed and with that traveling has met a lot of people. This guy though, this guy was something else. Barry then leaned over to Percy to whisper in his ear.

Barry: is this your step dad?

Percy had a cross between irritated and angry expression on his face as he answered.

Percy: yeah that's him.

Barry: you didn't mention that he was part of the molemen race.

Percy wasn't to happy to see his step father. During to whole quest the man had been telling the world that He was a terrible kid. So it really isn't surprising that Percy would be mad. However because of what Barry said Percy couldn't help but to lighten up and even chuckle.

Percy: he does look like that doesn't he.

What was a good laugh between friends soon ended when Gabe opened his mouth.

Gabe: Sally where have you been!?

The way he asked Percy's mom that question really made Barry mad. He could tell that Gabe wasn't really concerned about his wife. Most likely he was more upset about the inconvenience that her being gone caused him.

Gabe: and look who else decided to come back. Do you know how much trouble you caused me kid with that stunt you pulled on the news?

Percy: how much trouble I caused you! Do you have any idea how much trouble you caused.........

Before Percy could fully explode on his step dad Sally stepped in and amazing defused everything. She then ushered Percy to his room where they stayed for a little while. Meanwhile during the whole thing Barry was trying hard not to super-speed kick Gabe in his privates parts. However that became even harder when Sally left with Percy and Gabe finally acknowledged Barry.

Gabe: and just who are you?

Barry: a friend of Percy.

Gabe: I didn't think that kid could make any friends.

Barry: I'm not surprised you don't think.

Gabe: what did you just say?

Barry: point proven.

Gabe: why you little twerp you listen me..........

Barry: no you listen to me!

Barry cut off Gabe before he could continue.

Barry: I saw the way Percy's mom flinched when you gestured towards her. I know what that means.

Gabe: oh do you, do you have any proof of your claims. Didn't think so.

Barry: I may not have any proof but if you ever lay a hand on Sally Jackson again I promise you will regret. I'll personally see to it.

Gabe then began to laugh at Barry's threat.

Gabe: oh and how exactly will you do that.

Barry then threw a punch at Gabe that stopped right in front of his face. The punch wasn't thrown as fast as Barry could but instead at a speed that was believable and would still scare Gabe. By the way Gabe's face looked Barry could tell that he got his point across.

Barry: I hope we understand each other now.

As soon as Barry brought his fist back to his side the door to Percy's room opened. Then out came Percy and his mom. The two of them rejoined Barry and Gabe. Then a short while later Barry found himself leaving with Percy.

Barry: now where?

Percy: I figured camp.

Barry: what about your mom?

Percy: I think for the first time in a long time she's going to be ok. Why do you ask?

Barry: just worried that's all.

Percy: try to be the hero again?

Percy asked with a smirk on his face. Barry also gained a smirk when he answered.

Barry: hero? Me? No I'm no hero. Just trying to do what's right.

Percy: ether way I say we get to camp. I'm sure Chiron will want see you.

Barry: great.

Barry said with a sarcastic tone as the two made there way out of the apartment building and began heading to Camp Half Blood.

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