Speedster on TV

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Just a few minutes after leaving the car wash the demigods found themselves in a diner. The waitress came over to there booth. But when she looked at them she raised her eyebrows skeptically.

Waitress: well?

Barry: we want food.

Waitress: you got money to pay for it.

When the waitress asked that Grover looked like he was about to cry. Annabeth and Barry looked like they might die from starvation. Percy quickly tried to come up with a sod story. Before he could though there was a loud rumble and the whole building began to shake.
A big motorcycle with a bright red head light, flames painted on the side and two shotgun holsters attached pulled up. When it did all conversation in the diner stopped.
The man on the bike was big, pro wrestler big. He was dressed in a red muscle shirt, black jeans, and a black leather duster. He also had a big hunting knife strapped to his leg. The biker walked into the diner and as he did a hot dry wind blew through. Then as if hypnotized everyone rose. But the biker waved his had and they all sat back down. After that the waitress asked us once again.

Waitress: you got money to pay for it?

Biker: it's on me.

The biker told the waitress as he squeezed into there booth which was way to small for him. He then looked back at the waitress.

Biker: you still here?

He pointed at her and she stiffened. Then she turned and began to walk back to the kitchen. When the biker turned back to them a bunch of feelings overwhelmed Barry. They weren't good feelings though. They were a lot of the same feelings he felt for his dad and more. Barry didn't know why but he wanted to fight this guy.

Biker: so you're old seaweeds kid?

Percy: what's it to you?

Annabeth: Percy this is........

Biker: it's ok, I don't mind a little attitude as long as he remembers who's the boss. You know who I am little cousin?

Barry watched as realization seemed to come to Percy.

Percy: you're Clarisse's dad Ares the God of war.

When Percy finally found out who he was Ares grind. Then he took off his shades revealing eyes that looked like explosions. Barry was shocked. He didn't think that he would meet a God at all let alone one so soon.
Percy and Ares talked for a bit. Mostly about stuff Barry didn't know about. Then Ares began to tell them why he came. That Barry wanted to know. But before he began the waitress came back with there food.
When Ares paid the waitress he payed in drachma. When the waitress went to say something about the lack of modern day currency Ares offhandedly threatened her with his knife. That didn't sit to well with Barry.

Barry: you can't just threaten her with a knife!

Ares: hahaha sure I can.

Barry: no you can't.

Ares: do you realize you're tying to tell a God what he can and can't do.

Barry: god more like a........

Annabeth: Lord Ares you said you had a reason for coming here?

Ares: that's right.

Ares looked away from Barry and towards Percy.

Ares: I need you to do me a favor.

Percy: favor? What can I do for a God?

Ares: something a god doesn't have time to do himself.

Barry: but you're immortal, you have all the time in the world.

Ares: you're really starting to push your luck.

Ares then turned back to Percy. He began to explain that while on his date he left his shield at the abandoned water park. All he wants is for us to go back and get it. It seemed easy enough but Percy didn't want any part of it. He had a good reason to, they were already on a quest after all. But after Ares monologued for a little bit and stroked his own ego he offered to get them a ride west.
Percy still wasn't fully on board, that was until Ares offered him information on his mom. That's when Barry was fully onboard as well. Given his history Barry had a soft spot for families. If this info would help Percy and his family then he was ready to do what he could to help.

Barry: where's this water park at.

Ares grind a devilish grin.

Ares: the water park is a mile west onto lancy, you can't miss it. Look for the thrill ride o love........

Before Ares finished a gust of wind below out of the diner. When they looked they noticed that Barry was gone. Everyone was surprised that he would just take off by himself. Everyone except for Ares.

Ares mind: haha the kids just like his old man.

Since the water park was only a mile away Barry reached it in no time flat. He didn't even stop when he reached the barbed wire gate and just ran over the top. Barry made his way into the thrill ride o love next.
Barry searched the whole place. Every single nook and cranny for that dang shield. Eventually he stopped running.

Barry: well where the heck is it?

Jay looked around a little more. That's when he noticed the statues in the back. Cupid status. Barry walked over and low and behold down in the empty pool, on a pink boat was Ares's shield.

Barry: dingo!

Barry slid down into the empty pool. He then walked over to the boat and climbed on board. He grabbed the shield.

Barry: gotcha.

When Barry picked up the shield a string that was attached to it was pulled. A trip wire. It was a trap.

Barry: no wonder Ares didn't want to come back.

The Cupid statues that surrounded the pool came to life. They fired there arrows and created a net covering the top of the pool so Barry couldn't get out. Next Cameras popped out of the statues heads and a voice came over a speaker.

Speaker: live to Olympus!!!

Barry: well I always wanted to be on tv.

It was then that the mirrors opened and out came a bunch of bronze stuff. At first Barry couldn't tell what it was. Then he saw it. They were little bronze wind up spiders.

Barry: hahaha and what are those supposed to do?

It was then that one jumped at Barry. Using his speed he easily side stepped it. He dodged all of them that jumped at him.

Barry: as much as I would love to continue playing with your wind up toys Hephaestus I got places to be so........

With that Barry ran out of the entrance to the thrill ride o love at high speeds. He shot out of the attraction, across the water park and over the fence. Once out he made his way back to the diner. Him and Ares were going to have a little chat.

Demi-Speedster Where stories live. Discover now