The Siblings

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For most kids who grew up with a dad that was never around, learning who he is would be somewhat satisfying. Not necessarily making them happy but more like how you feel when you learn something that you have been kept in the dark about for a long time. For Barry though it just gave him another reason to hate his father. Another reason to hate Hermes. And that reason was his other children.
Upon discovering who his father was Barry learned that he actually had brothers and sisters, a fact that made him mad. He wasn't mad at his siblings though as nothing was their fault. Barry was mad that his mother was apparently not good enough for his father that he needed to be with other women. Apparently she wasn't good enough to be the only woman in his life and she wasn't good enough for the fastest god on Olympus to save.
Still even learning all of this Barry stayed at the camp. He had wanted to hangout with his new friends some more and he wasn't about to let the thought of his father ruin that. So Barry ended up spending most of his time at camp with Annabeth, Percy, and Grover. Percy a little more then the others.
There was also times when Barry stayed with his cabin. Just because he didn't like his father didn't mean he wasn't going to get to know his siblings. Right now he was with his brothers and sisters at some sort of training field. He guessed that it was for weapons training considering all the kids that where there were fighting with swords and other weapons of that nature.

Barry: how come everyone uses such out dated weapons? Why not guns and other stuff like that?

Barry was really just asking himself that question out loud but Luke his older brother and leader of there cabin overheard him.

Luke: it's not like there isn't more modern weapons in are arsenal because we do have them. It's just that we choose to use the ancient weapons of Greece.

Barry was a little surprised that he got an answer to his question. To be honest he thought he asked that question in his head.

Barry: I guess that makes sense but if you ask me it's kind of a stupid choice considering that a bullet can travel faster then a person can swing a sword.

Luke: (smirked) trust me Barry we're no push overs just because we use the classics.

Barry: oh?

Luke: we demigods are pretty amazing when it comes to battle. And with the speed we gained from are father, us in cabin eleven are pretty fast fighters.

It was Barry's tern to smirk.

Barry: so you're pretty fast are you. I would just love to see that.

Luke caught on to what Barry was getting at. He was throwing down a challenge at Luke's feet. Luke could tell that Barry didn't take his speed comments seriously. Luke should have been mad about that but he wasn't. Actually the son of Hermes found the challenge exciting. So much so that Luke actually had a genuine smile on his face.

Luke: that sounds like a challenge.

Barry: it might be.

Luke got a devilish smile on his face as he motioned for Barry to follow him. He lead the young speedster out to an open part of the training field with a rack of weapons near by. It wasn't a big part but it would be fine. Luke then turned to Barry and motioned to the weapons.

Luke: pick a weapon.

Barry looked at the weapons before he did something that Luke, the cabin, and a few onlookers who knew how good Luke was didn't expect.

Barry: I'm good.

Luke: what'd you mean you're good?

Barry: I don't need a weapon.

After hear this the small crowd exploded with talk. Some thought that Barry was crazy to fight Luke without a weapon. Others thought he was just cocky and hoped he got beat for it. Luke though got over his surprise quickly. Instead of being mad and feeling as though Barry wasn't taking him seriously Luke instead got curious. He wanted to see what Barry had up his sleeve.

Luke: suite yourself Barry but don't start crying when you realize you made a big mistake.

Barry: don't you worry about me.

Luke got into his fighting stance and as he did Barry thought of how he should do this.

Barry mind: ok so I don't want to fully show off what I can do. Instead I'll move just fast enough to stay ahead of him.

Barry just continued to stand there in neutral stance. One of the kids from cabin 11 saw this and hesitated to start the match but eventually did anyway. As soon as the match began Luke charged forward at the still standing Barry. When he got up on him Luke brought his sword down at Barry's head. Everyone thought Barry was done for, even Luke, but right at the last second Barry side stepped the blade with amazing speed and ease.
To say people were surprised would have been an understatement. Even for the Hermes cabin the kind of speed that Barry showed was incredible. What was even more incredible was that Barry could keep that speed up. Luke continued his onslaught of attacks with Barry quickly avoiding each of them. This went on for quite awhile with the crowd amazed by every bit of it and Barry noticed that.

Barry mind: I better end thangs soon, don't want to show off to much.

Another swing came down at Barry's head but unlike before he quickly grabbed Luke's wrist stopping the attack. Luke was surprised by this but his eyes widened with real surprise when he saw Barry ready a punch. Then with the same speed he had been showing up until this point Barry hit Luke with a gut punch. Luke was hit so hard that he fell to one knee. The crowd was ecstatic by what they saw. Luke didn't care about the crowd though as his was trying hard to catch his breath. As began to a shadow came and stood over him. When Luke looked up he expected to see a gloating Barry but instead he saw a hand offering to help him up.

Barry: I never fought someone with a sword before so this was a good experience.

Luke closed his eyes and smiled at his defeat before take Barry's hand and standing up.

Luke: I don't know what experience you gained from that fight since you beat me so easily.

Barry: while I did win but it was only because I was faster. You on the other hand are clearly the more skilled fighter out of the two of us.

Luke: well I guess I'll take that after a clear defeat.

Barry: who knows maybe you'll when next time if we fight again.

Luke: I doubt that.

Barry: you never know, stranger things have happened.

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