Speedsters Race

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Ever since Barry's mom died he would have the same nightmare over and over again. At first he'd have the nightmare every single night. But as time went on he began to have it less and less. This went on to the point that Barry stopped dreaming about the man in yellow all together. Then a few days ago for the first time in years Barry had the nightmare again.
While on the truck that Ares got for them Barry dreamt that he was the man in yellow and he had killed his own mother. Now Barry's not one to believe in fate. In fact when he was still going to school Barry was most interested in science. But Barry had that nightmare and now the man in yellow  is standing right in front of him. Even Barry would have to admit it would be hard to deny if fate had something to do with this.
Barry didn't care about fate or science at this point though. No he was to angry to care about any of that stuff. Right now the man that took his mother away from him was standing right there. At this point Barry had only one thing on his mind and that was justice. He was going to finally get justice for his mother.
Without a single plan in mind Barry ran straight at the man in yellow as fast as he could. All Barry wanted was justice but there is a fine line between justice and revenge. Right now Barry was running dangerously close to that line.
To a normal person Barry was running faster then the eye could follow. To the man in yellow though Barry was moving pretty slow. The man in yellow side stepped Barry when he got close to him. He then stuck out his arm and close lined the young speedster. This caused Barry to flip in the air before falling face first on the ground.

Man in yellow: to slow speedster. You're going to have to be faster then that in order to catch me.

The man in yellow took off running. Barry seeing this quickly got up and took off after him. At first there chase was confined to just the park. They ran all around it. Then the man in yellow ran into the city followed by Barry. Now New York City was there race track.
The two of them ran into many obstacles as they ran. They had to dodge cars, trucks and buses. The two of them ran through construction sites. For the man in yellow this was all relatively easy. For Barry though it was much harder. While the man in yellow didn't have to worry about anything, Barry had to constantly save a civilian from something the yellow speedster did.
Barry was already slower then the man in yellow but he also having to save people as he chased after him. This only made keeping up with the man in yellow even harder. Still Barry was determined to get him and that's why even with all these challenges Barry still managed to keep up with the yellow speedster. It definitely took its toll though.
When the man in yellow stopped running it was at a construction site. The site was empty since it was night and all the workers had gone home. So no one would see Barry or the yellow speedster. When Barry arrived at the construction site it was pretty obvious he was getting exhausted. Of course he had done a lot that day too. Barry had fought Hades and escaped the underworld. He fought against the God of War Ares. Barry also carried Percy from one end of the country to the other. With all the stuff he had done today Barry definitely earned a rest, unfortunately he wasn't going to get it.

Man in yellow: you look tired Barry.

Barry: you would be to if you did even half the stuff I have today.

Man in yellow: I know all about what you've been up to Barry. Helping a bunch of demigods retrieve that over rated deity's lightning bolt.

Barry: how did you know?

Man in yellow: because Barry I've been watching you. Ever since the day I killed your mother I've been keeping an eye on you.

Barry: why? Why would you be watching me? Why would you kill my mother!?!

Man in yellow: all in do time Barry but right now you're not ready yet. You're not fast enough.

Barry was really starting to get mad now. He was tired of his questions not being answered. He was tired of the man in yellow calling him slow. He was just plain tired of everything at this point. Letting out a yell full of anger Barry charged straight at the man in yellow. Blue lightning arced off of him as Barry got closer. At this point Barry was giving it everything he had. He was running as fast as his legs could take him. Unfortunately that just wasn't fast enough.
The yellow speedster in one quick motion grabbed Barry by his throat. Then before he could do anything Barry was picked up and chock slammed down into the ground. This happened so fast and so hard that Barry had the wind was knocked out him. The man in yellow had put him down for the count this time.

Man in yellow: like I was saying, right now you're just to slow. But don't worry because I know you'll get faster. Don't ask me how I know because I just won't tell you. Instead trust me. Besides if you don't get faster then you won't be able to beat me and I'll kill your friends.

Barry: what! You........

Man in yellow: don't worry there safe....for now. Just worry about getting fast and remember......I'll be watching.

With that the yellow speedster punched Barry hard enough to knock him out. He then ran off leaving Barry in the abandoned construction site. He left Barry alone to have new nightmares. Ones of the man in yellow killing his friends.

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