Not so fun hotel

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When they got to there room at the hotel the four of them were surprised. In short the room was amazing. Almost as amazing as the rest of the hotel. Unfortunately for Barry he couldn't enjoy it like the rest of them.
Percy, Annabeth, and Grover all explored what the room had to offer. As they did Barry sat back in the corner trying to figure things out. His body kept trying to speed up on him. It was trying so hard that he was straining himself just to stay in control. His powers have never acted this way before. Barry was convinced that it was the hotel. He was sure that they needed to leave.

Barry: guys I think we need to get out of here. There's something about this place. We should leave now.

Annabeth: don't worry Barry everything is fine, besides we need to rest.

Grover: we can't rest.

Percy: yeah there's a whole hotel to explore. Let's go!

With that the three of them with cards in hand left the room to head back downstairs. Barry however didn't trust the place and shoved his card in his pocket. He then slowly took off after the three of them. As he walked he had to put strain on his muscles just to keep from taking off like a rocket. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold himself back for forever.

Barry mind: I got to get everyone and get out of here.

Barry had finally gotten downstairs. Think the Gods for elevators. Normally if Barry wanted to he could have ran down from the top floor to the bottom in a second. He normally would considering elevators are to slow. But with the way he is now it probably would have taken him months.
Once he was back in the lobby Barry looked around but couldn't spot his friends at all. He began to slowly walk around the place to find them. By the way he walked he must have reminded people of an old man because that's how Barry felt. He kept on looking but had no luck.
After awhile fatigue for the first time in awhile was starting to get to Barry. So much so that Barry didn't even notice the kid in front of him until he had already nocked him down. Barry then slowly knelt down to the boy to help him up.

Barry: I'm so sorry......

Before Barry could help the boy back to his feet though here came a girl. She seemed to be related to the boy, most likely a sister. She also did not look happy.

???: nico are you alright?

Nico: I'm alright Bianca.

Bianca: good.

She the turned to Barry.

Bianca: why don't you be more careful next time.

Barry: I'm s-s-sorry.

Barry just barely was able to get those words out from his gritted teeth. Bianca was confused by this but decided to pay it no mind. Instead she just took Nico's hand and began to leave.

Bianca: whatever just be more careful next time.

As they were walking away Barry collapsed to one knee. Nico seeing this as they walked away let go of his sisters hand and went back to Barry.

Nico: are you ok?

Barry: don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

Barry then gave Nico a smile to reassure him. That's when Bianca came back.

Bianca: you don't look fine.

Barry: I'm ok trust me. I just need to find my friends.

Bianca: well what do they look like?

Barry then began to explain to the two siblings what each of his friends looked like. Neither one of them knew exactly weather or not they saw them. Bianca though was pretty sure she saw a girl matching Annabeth's description playing a city building game. After pointing him in the direction of the game Barry said goodbye to the two and went off after where Annabeth might have been.
After awhile of walking Barry came upon the game that Bianca was talking about. Barry should really have said games because there were multiple versions of it. However there was only one girl playing the game and it was Annabeth.
Relieved Barry walked over to her. When he got to her though she didn't even acknowledge him. Barry didn't even think she saw him walk up.

Barry: Annabeth.....

She said nothing to him. Barry tried again but again she said nothing. Finally he shook her while saying her name.

Barry: Annabeth!

Annabeth: what!

Barry: we need to get out of here!

Annabeth: I told you Barry that everything's fine.

Barry then seeing that she was trying to go back to her game and tune him out completely ripped her away from it. In response Annabeth punched him in the gut. Not hard but do to extreme fatigue it hurt Barry. He fell to his knees. Seeing her friend fall to the ground in pay must have done the trick because she was completely ripped out of whatever trance she was in.

Annabeth: oh my Gods Barry are you ok?

Barry: yes but we need to get out of here.

Not to long after say that up came Percy. Apparently there were people in this hotel that have been stuck here since the seventies. Hearing this they all went and got Grover. With Percy dragging Grover and Annabeth helping Barry walk they made there way to the exit of the hotel.

Barry: wait what about all these people?

Annabeth: we have to leave.

Barry: no they need are help!

Annabeth: there's no time Barry!

At this point Annabeth was dragging Barry trying to get him to leave. He wanted to help though. Sure this wasn't the worst prison, in fact it was an amazing one, one you wouldn't want to leave. Still it was a prison none the less and Barry wanted to help. Especially the kids that helped him.
After pushing past the bellhop that greeted them the four made it back outside. When they did Barry could feel his body go normal again. When he did he collapsed the the ground. Annabeth checked on him as Percy went off to find a news paper.

Barry: we need to help these people.

Annabeth: we can't Barry there isn't time. I'm sorry.

Barry mind: when I regain my strength, when this quest is over, I will be back to help them.

Barry, Annabeth, and Grover noticed Percy running back over to them with a worried look on his face.

Percy: it's the same year as when we went in but we lost five days.

Barry: what?

Percy: the summer solstice is tomorrow.

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