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Kenma's POV

I sigh as I slowly sit down in a empty chair in the classroom. Eyes glued to my lap, I hear footsteps, echo into the classroom.

"Okay, class. We have a new student, Kenma Kozume." She smiled, as the entire class turn and look at me.

I bite my lip, slowly looking up. "Y-Yes?"I whispered, as I grip the bottom of my shirt.

"Please, intoroduce yourself and your hobbies."she smiled. I slowly, look at the students as they whisper and giggle to each other.

My breathing speeds up as I close my eyes, trying my best not to show the pain that i was going through.

"U-Uh, I-Im Kenma.." I whispered, gripping my shirt harder.

"Sorry, honey. If you could speak a little louder that would be great." She smiled. I slowly nodded, letting a breath out.

"I-I'm Kenma. I-I..." I look up at the students as they giggle and make stupid jokes.

I felt tears well up as I fight the urge to cry. "I-I like..G-Games..." I mumbled, grabbing my own hand, to stop it from shaking.

"What did you say honey, I'm sorry you'll need to speak up." She sighed, stepping a little closer to me.

"I-I like Games." I mumbled a little louder.

"Okay! Thank you Kozume." She smiled, as I quickly sit back down, sliding my hand over my chest.

It's okay...
They weren't talking about you...
They don't care if you were scared....
They were just laughing at inside jokes....
I said everything to myself, but in the end..I knew the real reason as to why they were doing everything...I knew it was all just a lie, I wanted to convince myself.

No one likes me anyway..I shouldn't be this anxious.....
Their opinions doesn't matter....
It doesn't matter...
Nothing matters...
I don't matter...
I should hate myself....
I should be-
The sound of the bell ringing, snapped me back into reality. I quickly grabbed my bag and left the classroom.

343...locker 343
I thought to myself as I look at the lockers that were on the left wall. Finally, I look at the locker that was covered by a boy and his friends.

I frown, grabbing the bag strap as I slowly make my way over to them. "Then I was like, 'Why should I care if she doesn't want me? I don't want her either'" The guy laughed as the other two boys shook their heads.

"U-Uh.." I whispered, stopping in front of them. They all look at me, waiting for me to continue.

I look down at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact. "Yeah?" The guy asked, standing straight up.

"Y-You're...my l-locker." I whispered, looking at the guy to the far right as he smirks.

"I'm your locker?" The guy mumbled, in confusion.

"Omg, Lev, he said that you were his locker." The other laughed.

"N-No.."I whispered, pointing at the locker, making them look at it.

"Oh, Yaku, Lev, you're by his locker." The quiet one sighed, pulling I'm guessing Lev away from the locker. I slowly and carefully unlock my locker, putting in the things I didn't need for the day in there as the three stood there, watching.

I tighten my grip on the book as I put the last one in the locker. Closing it, I quickly walk off before they could say anything else.

This carried on for the whole day and before I knew it, it was time to go. Closing the locker, I turn away to leave but instead was greeted by one of the guys from before. "Hey, Sorry. I bet this is sudden." He smiled.

I slowly grab my bag from the floor and nod. "Hey, it's Lev by the way, what's your name?" He asked, reaching out his hand.

Shake his hand Kenma

I grab his hand and we stood there, in silence. He awkwardly smiled, waiting for me to say something, anything. "Kenma..." I mumbled, finally causing him to let my hand go.

"Kenma, that's a weird name." He laughed. I look at the ground nodding. "Well, Kenma. Are you a first year?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I just moved here, I'm in my second year." I whispered. He smiled and nodded.

"You're older than me, is it fine if I still talk to you casually though?" He asked. I nodded, as we both walk down the hall.

"Hey, are you good at anything?" He asked, turning towards me as we step outside the school doors.

"No..Not really. I normally just play games." I mumbled, looking over at him.

This is new..I can talk to him normally..and he haven't even commented on my hair..

"Games? That's it? No, type of sports?" He asked, almost as if he was surprised by my answer.

"N-Not really." I whispered, looking as students pass us.

"Even at your old school? Weren't you in some type of activities?" He asked. I thought about it then hummed.

"I was in Volleyball for a while." I mumbled, getting startled when he quickly looks at me with a bright smile.

"You were?!" He smiled. I hummed, as I begin to walk again. "Wait! Come here for a second!" He smiled, grabbing my arm, causing me to feel uncomfortable.

He dragged me into the gym and left me by a chair as he pulled the Volleyball net into place. "What was your position?" He asked, handing me the Volleyball.

I thought for a while before mumbling. "I was a beginner setter." I mumbled, looking at me weirdly.

"Perfect." He smiled, backing up to the back of the court. I watched as he smile at me.

"Perfect for what?" I asked.

"Could you set the ball for me?" He asked, getting in position. I frown and look down at the ball, sighing to myself, I calmly set the ball.

He ran up and hit it, making it hit the other side of the court with a loud thud. Flinching, I look back at him. "Woah! That was such a accurate set!" He smiled.

"Thank you." I whispered, as he ran to get the ball. Feeling someones eyes on me, I slowly turned towards the doors to see...



This is my first Anime inspired book....

Normally, I do Kpop but I am too invested in this duo...

ANYWAY, thank you for reading the first chapter and if you have any questions about the characters or who all will be in this book then be free to let me know!


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