Chapter 5 - Lost My Heart

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"Because what's worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never have it?"

-James Patterson

Song: Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered - Ella Fitzgerald

"Will you be able to get back into the swing of training after a whole week off though?" Gwyn smirked, examining the cover of a large and dusty thome.

She set it on the cart with a loud thud and continued to scan the bookshelves for another one of Merrill's requested readings.

Nesta snorted. "Trust me when I say that Cassian ensured my endurance was maintained in that cabin."

Gwyn gawked, swatting her friend's shoulder. Nesta grinned in response.

Talking about sex so openly was still rather new to Gwyn, but she was always entertained by Emerie's shameless discussions about the smut they'd read, or Nesta's blatant tales of her own sexual exploits.
Perhaps one day she'd have experiences of her own to giggle about. Until then, her only claim to intimate fame was how skilled she'd become with her own fingers...

"You're blushing, Gwyn..." Nesta drawled.

The priestess smiled at her friend. "No more than when I was reading that pirate novel."

Nesta's eyes glinted. She crossed her arms, leaning against the bookcase. "And?"

Gwyn chewed her lip, quickly surveying the area for any listening ears. The coast was clear. She inclined her head. "The scene in the crow's nest..."

Nesta's sly grin broadened. "I knew that would be your favorite."

"How could it not be?" Gwyn guffawed. "What was yours?"

"The rigging of course."

Gwyn snickered, plucking another book off the shelf. "You would love that one." She dropped it onto the cart. "Is it because of the part where he... where they use the ropes to hang upside down and—"

Nesta cut her off. "Elain, you found us."

Gwyn's head whipped around to see the second eldest Archeron gliding down the aisle with a warm smile. Judging by the way Nesta had interrupted Gwyn, the priestess took it that Elain either wasn't fond of smutty books or that maybe Nesta wasn't proud of the hobby. It seemed silly to keep such a thing from your sister.

Not every sibling relationship is the same as twins, Catrin said. Some sisters prefer to keep their - ahem - naughtier habits to themselves...

Gwyn turned to face Elain as she joined them. Her cheeks heated as she remembered that the last time she'd encountered this particular Archeron she had been a drunken mess. She'd called Elain "pretty" then fled to the river house. If Elain was embarrassed, it didn't show. Gwyn felt a surge of warmth towards the female, greatly appreciating her inclination to continue on as though that moment during the reception hadn't occurred.

Nesta didn't seem to have noticed Gwyn's disappearance at the ceremony, and Gwyn had no intention of divulging it. The less people knew what a fool she had made of herself, the better.

"I've been trying to convince Elain to join us for one of our trainings..." Nesta said pointedly.

Elain clasped her hands. "I'll stick with my gardening, thank you."

Nesta rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Gwyn. "Speaking of which, Azriel told Cassian you'd taken time off from training."

"I'm resuming tonight," Gwyn said before Nesta could inquire further. "I've got one of my private sessions with Azriel after my shift."

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