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"Be the best storyteller of your own life. Make your life a lesson in loving, make it a thrilling adventure, and give it a happy ending."

- Chris Ernest Nelson

Song: Like You Mean It - Ruelle


The Night Court's first female Spymaster woke with a jolt, sitting bolt upright, and wiping the drool away from the corner of her lip. She glanced down at the open book on the sofa and frowned at the drop of saliva blotting the page she had fallen asleep on, then quickly snapped it shut. She placed a hand over the cover with a sigh and looked up at her mate.

His brows were high with amusement, an entertained grin on his full lips as he reached out a knuckle and lifted her chin. "It's nearly midnight."

Gwyn sniffed and scooted over to the left, moving the book to her side and clearing a spot beside her for Azriel.

Her mate took the hint and with an admonishing look, he accepted his seat. "We have our debriefing with Rhysand in the morning." He slid an arm around her shoulders. "You should get some sleep."

Yawning, Gwyn nodded. "I know." Her head fell on his shoulder. "I just want to sit here for a moment. Appreciate this beautiful library my mate built me."

Azriel chuckled beside her, placing a kiss on her temple. "Have you not had a chance to marvel at it these past three decades, Spymaster Berdara?"

"Spare me, Spymaster Berdara," retorted Gwyn. "You act like we have to march the miles and miles and miles to Velaris." The shadows on Azriel's shoulder nuzzled against Gwyn's cheek, anticipating her next words. "Your shadows will see us there in minutes."

"True enough," Azriel exhaled. "But you better not make us late. You know how Rhysand gets about any disruption to his schedule now..."

"I wouldn't dare interfere with his last few months of quality time with Nyx and his mate." She snorted. "But Feyre's not due till Solstice, anyway."

"He's a greedy father and mate..."

"Oh, you're one to talk..."

The shadowsinger laughed quietly. "Just a greedy mate, songbird." Another long suffering exhale. "If he's greedy now, I can't imagine what he will be like when his daughter is born."

Gwyn swallowed, a small smile spreading on her lips. She hummed. "For now."

"For now what?" Azriel said, taking his turn to yawn.

With a shaky hand, Gwyn picked up the book she'd set aside and placed it in her mate's lap. "Just a greedy mate for now."

Brows furrowed, Azriel looked down, his hazel eyes slowly sweeping over the embossed, gold lettering.

Symptoms, Maladies, and Diagnoses

She could see the various emotions flicker on his face.




Meeting his gaze, Gwyn saw his eyes were lined with silver. Her smile softened and she lifted a hand to cup his cheek, shadows twining around her fingers.

"I... I didn't... Why didn't I—"

Gwyn lowered her hand, flipping open the book to the page she'd fallen asleep on. "Fae pregnancies, even between mates, can be difficult to detect in the beginning stages. While often first observed by the male by the shift in the female's scent, the earliest sign is the loss or delay of the mother's cycle," she read. Her attention returned to Azriel and she shrugged. "I'm late. By two weeks."

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