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**Set 20 years after ACOLAM**

Bonus Chapter 9/12


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Song: Carry You - Novo Amor

"Congratulations, Elain," Gwyn said, leaning out of her seat to embrace the recently-returned Archeron sister.

She noted that Elain smelled like jasmine and honey, with just a hint of apple and sunshine. Evidence of her close proximity to Lucien for the past two decades of her exile. Two very long decades over which time she had shared with Gwyn a number of letters. And when the Valkyrie Spymaster had received word from Rhys that Elain's exile had come to end just last week, she'd immediately written the female beckoning her to return for their long overdue "lunch in Velaris" as promised that day they'd said goodbye in the Spring Court.

They'd seen each other a handful of times over the years. Once when facing Koschei. Again in the Mortal Lands when Gwyn had been on assignment. Their interactions had been few, but each had resulted in long conversations that laid the both of them bare. Elain had a tendency to keep things bottled up, and Gwyn was a patient listener. One to rival Lucien, according to Elain.

They separated and Elain beamed, reaching onto the table to pour them each more tea. "Thank you. We're very excited."

"And you'll be mated in the Day Court?" Gwyn asked as she helped herself to another cucumber sandwich.

Elain nodded. "Yes, Helion hasn't had the opportunity to host a mating ceremony and the male loves parties."

"I assume I'm invited?"

Elain fixed Gwyn with a look. "Of course you're invited. What sort of a question is that?"

"Well," shrugged Gwyn. "It's technically a royal wedding, isn't it? The son of a High Lord? The sister of a High Lady? I'm not sure Spymasters are necessarily considered to be of noble birth."

Elain shook her head. "Oh, none of that, thank you. All are welcome." She grimaced. "All who care to attend, that is."

Gwyn read the crease between Elain's brows, the frown twitching at the edge of her lips, the way she set her teacup down gingerly to hide her trembling. "What do you mean?"

The smile she offered Gwyn was half-hearted. "That my exile may be over, but that does not mean I am forgiven."

She reached across the table and laid a hand over Elain's. "Elain, you're forgiven by anyone who matters."

"Gwyn," she conceded in a voice barely more than a whisper, "I don't know that I forgive me."

It took all of Gwyn's focus not to gawk, instead she hardened her gaze. "That was twenty years ago, Elain."

"Not so long for fae memory..."

"But long enough for someone who was human a majority of their life," Gwyn added. "You've paid for what you've done. If you hadn't you wouldn't be feeling like this."

The tightness in Elain's shoulders eased, her expression growing a little less sorrowful. She gave Gwyn a hopeful smile and said nothing more.

Gwyn took a sip of her drink and lounged back further in the wicker chair, looking out over the railing of the cafe at the Sidra just below. The sunlight bathed her face in warm, buttery light and she shut her eyes against the pleasant feeling. "Mm, I know your sisters are here but you should consider settling into the Day Court. All that sunshine."

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