Chapter 20 - Cry

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"Don't be ashamed to weep; 'tis right to grieve. Tears are only water, and flowers, trees, and fruit cannot grow without water. But there must be sunlight also. A wounded heart will heal in time, and when it does, the memory and love of our lost ones is sealed inside to comfort us."

- Brian Jacques

Song: Fine on the Outside - Priscilla Ahn

Despite Madja's prediction of Gwyn's recovery taking another three days, Gwyn felt almost completely healed when she woke up the next morning - with the exception of some very sore muscles.

Madja paid another afternoon visit and said that in spite of Gwyn's improved energy, she still shouldn't pursue any physical activity for another two days. Aware that this healer knew best, Gwyn agreed to follow Madja's instructions (which included taking three different tonics a day).

The moment Madja left, Gwyn took the opportunity to change out of the nightshirt she had been wearing and make use of her private bathing chambers. She'd already been washed with a cleaning charm when she had woken - all traces of the wilderness polished from her skin - but that didn't change the fact that the priestess felt effectively useless to herself. A nice bath ought to change that.

The priestess pushed any and all suspicions she had regarding her and Azriel's relationship to the back of her mind and solely focused on scrubbing every inch of her body clean. From the tips of her toes to the ends of her hair.

The warm water soothed her muscles and the scent of lavender was a nice change when compared to the sterile smell of the ointments that they had been using to keep her wounds clean.

After drying off with the fluffiest towel she'd ever encountered, Gwyn changed into one of the soft pairs of leggings and lightweight sweaters she'd discovered in the chest of drawers in her room.

Gwyn knew that the High Lady had a guest room for each of the members of their inner circle, customized and designed to suit each of them. The priestess wasn't certain as to whose guest room she currently resided in, but she wouldn't mind if it remained vacant for her use a little while longer...

It was nice not having to share a bathing chamber or bedroom with anyone. She could grow very used to this privacy...

Shall I just see myself out then, sister?

Gwyn scoffed at her sister's snarky comment and took a seat at the foot of the bed, setting to work on brushing her tangled, wet hair.

Catrin's voice had been decidedly absent since Gwyn had awoken. Probably because there really hadn't been a moment when her thoughts weren't consumed by memories of the assignment or assumptions regarding her and the shadowsinger.

There was a knock at the door.

Gwyn tossed the brush upon the mattress. "It's unlocked!"

The tall, white door opened and Azriel stepped inside.

He had a roll of parchment tucked beneath his arm, in his hand an ink pen. Gwyn stood from the bed reflexively and froze.

His eyes locked with hers.

Azriel shut the door behind him. He did not move. Only looked at her with hazel eyes that burned with an emotion she couldn't quite define. But she could make out what he was waiting for and why he refused to move. He was waiting for her permission.

Gwyn nodded and Azriel dropped the parchment and pen to the floor, striding across the room to meet her.

Something sparked in her chest and like a marionette, she unconsciously felt her arms raise and extend towards him.

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