Chapter 7 - Dressed in Blue

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"People will stare. Make it worth their while."

- Harry Winston

Song: She's Like a Rainbow - The Rolling Stones

When Gwyn announced to Merrill that she was about to take her leave for Velaris to attend a dinner party, the priestess had scowled. That scowl was wiped off her face when Morrigan had stepped out from behind Gwyn and arched a challenging brow.

The more Gwyn saw Morrigan, the more she liked the female.

She was beautiful and strong and unabashedly herself. Everything the priestess aspired to be.

When they'd arrived at the river house, Gwyn had thanked Morrigan, to which she had responded by asking the priestess to call her "Mor."

Gwyn was slightly taken off-guard at the request. While Morrigan seemed the friendly sort, the way she interacted with Gwyn felt almost familial... and they hardly knew one another.

But as Mor escorted her into the river house, Gwyn remembered that she had helped save Azriel's life. That had to contribute to this newfound warmth between the two of them.

As they walked the halls and arrived at the staircase, Gwyn forced herself not to peer into the rooms they passed. She would not look for Azriel. In fact, she wouldn't even hope for him to attend. He needed to rest.

Still, Gwyn was eager to confront the shadowsinger. She wanted to tell him about that voice in her head and get his advice on how to reconcile it. How to banish it and bury it deep within her where it couldn't be heard.

Or could she only ignore it?

Would it eventually consume her?

Gwyn blinked hard as she followed Morrigan up the stairs, banishing her intrusive thoughts. When they arrived at the landing of the floor where Elain's room was, Mor glanced over her shoulder at Gwyn. "He's coming tonight, by the way."

Gwyn tried to look puzzled by the statement, but Morrigan's knowing smile told her that she wouldn't be convinced the priestess wasn't hopeful to see Azriel.

"Shouldn't he be resting?" Gwyn asked, folding her arms over her chest.

Morrigan shrugged. "Azriel has... strong opinions. It can be difficult to get him to do something he doesn't wish to do." She snickered. "Like recuperate."

Gwyn felt the corner of her lip lift involuntarily, cheeks heating. "Well, that's foolish of him."

Morrigan halted at one of the doors lining the hallway and cast Gwyn a feline smile. "People make poor judgment calls when blinded by their hearts."

Before Gwyn could ask what that meant (though she was fairly certain she already knew), Morrigan pushed the door open and stepped inside. Gwyn followed.

The room smelled like daffodils and roses and was lit as such, in warm buttery yellows and pinks. Portraits lined the pastel green walls and sitting atop the sky blue duvet on the large bed was Nesta, picking at her nails.

Across the room, Elain sat at a vanity mirror, Feyre behind her placing pins in her sister's hair with deft fingers.

"Alright, we're supposed to meet on the patio in an hour so I barely have time to get ready," Morrigan said, glancing about the room.

Feyre looked over her shoulder at Mor, her tone was dry. "Don't get lost in your closet."

After Morrigan left, Elain offered a quiet greeting and asked Nesta to start helping Gwyn into the dress she'd selected for her, while Feyre finished her hair.
Gwyn glanced over the floor length, sleeveless, black dress Nesta wore. The neckline plunged all the way to the bottom of her breast bone and there was a long slit up the side that exposed her thigh.

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