Play It

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**Set shortly after they visit Azriel's mom**

Bonus Chapter 5/12

The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it's all that matters.

- Audrey Hepburn

Song: For Remembering - Angus and Julia Stone

"Do it."

"No! No way in hell, Cassian."

"Leave Gwyn alone, Cassian," Azriel interjected, casting a stern look his brother's way from his seat on the opposite side of the booth. The protective arm he had around Gwyn's shoulder tightened. "If she doesn't want to sing, she doesn't have to."

"Thank you!" Gwyn said, pecking her mate's cheek.

"You're very welcome, my love." Azriel smirked. "That said, I bet you're too scared."

Cassian's laughter rivaled the raucous merriment of the other tavern occupants. He had to set down his mug of ale on the table that separated them. Beside him Nesta bit back a smile, eyeing Gwyn guiltily.

Gwyn glanced up at the dais that was currently unoccupied and awaiting anyone who wanted to pick up the lute or the tambourine and begin a song before tonight's entertainment arrived. It called to her somewhat. She loved singing. She loved an audience. But her whole life, the audience had always been familiar even if everyone was a stranger. They had always been fellow priestesses. And here, in this Velaris tavern, she was surrounded by unknown fae. Their ties to her or what they had in common were not evident. They had no reason to want her to sing. No reason not to "boo" her off the dais.

Oh, but Azriel had called her out. Had vocalized that she was not up to the occasion. And that was as good as the obstacle course all over again.

Gwyn threw a seething glare her mate's way. "Nobody wants to hear me sing, alright?"

Emerie cleared her throat, elbowing Gwyn.

Next to Emerie, Morrigan shook her head, "Not true. I want to."

Gwyn craned her neck forward to shoot Morrigan an incredulous look, but the famed female warrior did not back down. Only flashed her a winning smile. "All I'm saying is that I'm sure that the Night Court would love to hear their first potential female Spymaster honor them with a song!"

Gwyn huffed, staring down the dais as though it were a foe. Azriel's lips were suddenly by her ear and the hair on her neck stood up. "Prove me wrong."

Her head snapped in his direction. She fixed him with a glower. "Fucking hell."

The shadowsinger's eyes glinted with triumph, he pressed a rough kiss to her cheek. A tendril of shadow nuzzled her jaw affectionately and Gwyn found the fiery burn of competition starting to simmer deliciously. A heady adrenaline taking hold of her. She grabbed her mug of ale, half empty already, and gulped the rest of it down.

When she slammed it back on the table Nesta was applauding, grinning from ear to ear. "Come, I'll walk you up. Emotional support."

Both Nesta and Gwyn slid out of the booth, the former snatching her fingers and starting to tow her towards the dais. Gwyn glanced over her shoulder at Azriel whose head was cocked curiously as he waited to watch the scene unfold. She felt a small wave of gratitude sweep over her. Pride even. To have a mate that challenged her so. To have friends so supportive. It was a blessing she never thought she'd have.

Nesta guided them through the sea of bodies, around the tables and benches, and Gwyn was grateful she wore leggings and a sweater and not a dress like Nesta. How she managed to maneuver through all the bodies without snagging her skirts on anything was a magic that only Lady Death could summon.

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