Part III - Lightsinger - Chapter 46 - Less I Know

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"When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?"

- Pam Brown

Willow - Taylor Swift

No one seemed to know what to make of Elain's absence, and to Gwyn's surprise, the sister's estranged mate seemed genuinely concerned. Not in the possessive way she'd seen other males get over their mates, but sincerely. It wasn't worry born out of territorial behavior, but out of care.

Lucien asked Feyre and Nesta for precise dates, locations - any additional details that they were glad to share regarding Elain's "visits" with him. He relayed his own whereabouts verifying that he had truly been elsewhere every time she claimed to be seeing him. The male had not set foot in any of the locations Elain had claimed they'd been visiting.

Lucien's statements seemed to prove him innocent enough to Azriel. At least judging by the way the shadowsinger had gone from sitting absolutely rigid to merely angling his head curiously. It didn't escape Gwyn's notice how frequently he was consulting with his shadows as Lucien spoke.

Ultimately, Lucien said he hadn't seen or heard from Elain in any capacity. Feyre and Nesta exchanged worried glances. Rhysand regarded the former with a single look, silent communication taking place.

Feyre swallowed. "That can wait. Right now, Tamlin, what do you need from us?"

Nesta sunk a little lower in her chair and Gwyn felt a pang of guilt. No doubt Nesta was concerned for her sister, but likely a little hurt that she had been lied to.

Gwyn placed her free hand over Nesta's on the arm of her chair. The eldest Archeron grimaced at her, genuine pain behind those cold, blue eyes.

Tamlin stood, his chair scraping against the floor. "There's the matter of supplies. There are ten of us here, with more on the way..."

While Tamlin explained what he needed and worked with Rhysand to divvy up duties, it was easy to see that he had once been a worthy High Lord. He had little of the charm that Rhysand was in possession of, but he was concise and to the point. He was also incredibly unbiased, recognizing strengths and weaknesses and assigning jobs accordingly.

"At the end of the evening tomorrow, I'll announce to the attendees that they need to evacuate to the Summer Court until further notice."

Rhysand eyed Tamlin. "And what reason do we give?"

"The truth," Tamlin said resignedly. "We're eliminating a threat to the Spring Court."

Rhysand's lips turned down at corners in silent approval.

"I'll speak with Tarquin about lodging for your people," Feyre added, with all the leadership and diplomacy of a High Lady. "How do you think your people will react?"

Tamlin's expression was carefully blank. "Not happily... but hopefully they'll all be so full on drink and food by the end of the party that they'll be a little more receptive."

Gwyn could see him, Rhysand and Feyre fall into an easy rhythm. Strategizing, discussing, debating.

Meanwhile, quiet conversation was held at the table. Cassian was muttering something to Nesta, a gentle hand rubbing up and down the bicep of her leathers soothingly. Morrigan and Emerie had their heads ducked engaged in conspiratorial whispers.

Gwyn, however, felt a strange tugging in her gut and an incessant buzzing in her brain. All of it revolving around Elain and her absences. Try as she might to shove down the instinct that something was wrong, Gwyn couldn't quite put aside her concern. What was happening to Elain? Where was she?

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