Chapter 53 - Dive Right Into You

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Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.

- T. S. Eliot

Song: Dive - Ed Sheeran

"That's... that's all the demonstration you require?" Gwyn asked in disbelief.

She'd joined Rhysand in the cellar just shy of midnight to prove her powers of compulsion and to review their plans to extract Elain.

The High Lord had informed Gwyn that he'd made his mental defenses vulnerable to her and that she needed to compel him to sit down on the stool. She issued the command, feeling that buzzing of power in her blood and sure enough, the High Lord had turned on his heel, crossed to the stool and sat.

And then immediately launched into his plan.

In response to Gwyn's question, Rhysand arched a brow. "You compelled me, just as I requested. Are you not confident in your own abilities?"

I'm not " not confident..." Gwyn thought. But to Rhysand she said, "I just assumed you'd require more evidence."

"I don't want to risk burning you out and jeopardizing this already precarious mission for my own peace of mind. If you have faith in your abilities then that is good enough for me," Rhysand said, brows lowered. "And I've seen you on the lawn these past two days. That was evidence enough that your magic is real."

Gwyn shook her head, feeling slightly embarrassed at his appraisal of her abilities. "That wasn't much."

"I know." He folded his arms. "It wasn't the raging light you'd mentioned. The raging light that I know you are capable of summoning." The look on his face was both stern and encouraging. "I have faith in you, Gwyn. You should as well."

He was right. On all accounts. Gwyn could unleash hell if she wanted to. She could belt out an A minor instead of humming it and blind and blister her foes. Gwyn was well equipped to succeed in this mission. She knew that. She just needed to believe it.

"Let's discuss our strategy," Rhysand said, leaning forward on the stool, elbows on his knees. "It's simple. Elegant. We leave at four in the morning. I'm going to fly you to the edge of Graysen's property then retreat back to Tamlin's manor."

Gwyn swallowed hard against the budding anxiety that bloomed into panic at the idea of doing this on her own. She shoved it deep down, instead drawing on her confidence from just moments ago. It soothed the burning in her chest and allowed her to give Rhysand a dutiful nod.

"I'm returning in case Elain decides to watch my movements. It will be safer for both of us." Gwyn bobbed her head again and after a few seconds of hesitation the High Lord continued, "As discussed, you will compel one of the soldiers on night patrol. According to the sweep one of our men did yesterday, a single guard patrols the garden around that time. Wait for him in the shadows of the patio and when the time is right you will ask him to fetch Elain, tell her that Graysen is waiting for her in the garden, and to knock himself out once he has completed that task. Understood?"

Chewing the inside of her cheek, Gwyn asked a question that could change the whole mission. "Do Graysen and Elain not sleep in the same chambers?"

"Not according to my guard," Rhysand said, and Gwyn released a breath she hadn't known she was holding. "Once you have Elain, compel her to come quietly then head north three miles till you arrive at a clearing. I'll meet you there and then winnow us back to the manor."

Rhysand stopped there, pausing and meeting Gwyn's eyes.

Wait, that was it? Compel two people and walk north? A frantic laugh of relief threatened to escape her, but Gwyn kept her expression aloof.

"I follow," she said impassively. "It's a good plan."

"I'm known for those," winked the High Lord. He slid off the stool. "Get whatever rest you can and meet me in the kitchen in four and a half hours." An amused grin. " Dismissed, Gwyn."

She sighed, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. "You are never going to let me live that down, are you?"

"Oh, no. Any member of my court or family is subject to consistent teasing. Brace yourself."

Gwyn's heart leapt at those words: Any member of my court or family. Did Rhysand consider her family? Gwyn couldn't help the warm smile she gave the High Lord.

"Very well," she said softly. "I plan to reciprocate though."

"Challenge accepted."

With a snort, Gwyn took her leave, quietly ascending the steps, then creeping up the grand staircase to the hall that led to her chambers.

Just after the door that led to Cassian and Nesta's guest chambers, and right before her own, was Azriel's room.

She wanted to slip in and say goodbye to him. She wanted to tell him that she was about to put her life on the line for him. She wanted to let him know that his training had been immensely effective and tonight she would repay her debt to him by eliminating the threat to his life.

But she couldn't. Not without potentially alerting Elain. Not without sending Azriel into a fit of panic where he would protest her involvement for fear of losing her. Not without jeopardizing her own courage and succumbing to the urge she felt to turn back. To not move forward with this mission. To call it off before her magic failed her when it mattered most.

But she wouldn't do that. For Azriel she would face that challenge. Nothing could change her mind.

So Gwyn paused at his door, her eyes glimpsing the dim light beneath it.

What if this was her last chance to see him? What if she was caught by Graysen's men or shot on sight? What if in a few hours she was dead and had never tasted the shadowsinger? Had never let her mate make love to her. What if what if what if what if...

No "what ifs."

Gwyn took a deep breath. Tonight. Tonight she would let the shadowsinger take her... or maybe she would take him.

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