Chapter 42 - More than Blood

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"Blood is thicker than water."

- Unknown

Song: Catapult - 2WEI

The following morning Gwyn found Azriel leaning against the hallway just outside her door - waiting for her to wake. Or so he had claimed...

Gwyn suspected that the shadowsinger may have actually been lingering by her guest room to ensure a certain prickly High Lord didn't attempt to accost her.

They shared breakfast in Tamlin's dining hall for which he did not join them; then, afterwards, Azriel and Gwyn strapped on their weapons and prepared their packs. It was going to be a long day of patrolling the woods of the Spring Court, searching for any of the weapon's caches the humans had mentioned they were stashing about.

But Tamlin had stopped them as they were exiting the manor, descending the grand staircase lazily.

"This will all get completed much quicker if we split up into two groups," the High Lord said. "I can escort Gwyneth and you, Shadowsinger, can likely handle these woods on your own."

Azriel's wings flared slightly, covering Gwyn's back. "No chance in hell."

Tamlin arched a brow at Azriel. "I've been patrolling these lands since you left and there's been no sign of the humans. They are likely busy regrouping now that their leader has been killed." He gestured to Gwyn. "She's perfectly safe with me."

"As she is with me," growled Azriel. "Why don't you go off to patrol on your own and Gwyn and I will pair off."

Tamlin's mouth opened and closed, and for a second Gwyn saw his brows furrow.

Tamlin wanted her alone with him, but it wasn't for any malevolent purposes. She could see that, sense it.

To be honest, Gwyn was curious about this High Lord and his strange behavior. A small part of her felt an inexplicable kinship to him. Maybe they shared the bond of being two people trying to save themselves. Trying to rebuild. Trying to find some sense of self.

And as a person who had climbed out of a seemingly bottomless pit with nothing but her bare hands, Gwyn felt a duty to... help him. To hear him.

For who else would let a monster bear their soul?

"Azriel, I'll go with him," Gwyn said, looking up at the shadowsinger. "He's right, we'll cover more ground if we split up."

A muscle in Azriel's jaw feathered. He blinked and a shadow licked his neck. He regarded it with an irritable expression, then inclined his head so his lips were beside Gwyn's ear. "He means you no harm, but that doesn't mean I'm not concerned. Later, can we discuss where this... inclination of yours comes from?"

His tone wasn't demanding or protective, but more worried, so when he pulled away Gwyn nodded with a wry smile.

"Very well," he grumbled. Azriel unstrapped Truth-Teller from his side then motioned for Gwyn to step forward. She obeyed and let him kneel before her, then watched as he secured the dagger to her thigh. "For my own peace of mind." He looked at Tamlin as he stood. "Try anything and she'll run you through with that dagger. Then I'll come back for seconds. Do we understand each other?"

Rolling his eyes, Tamlin closed the distance between the three of them. "Yes, yes, Shadowsinger. I wouldn't dream of endangering your little lightsinger."

On the grounds Azriel and Gwyn went their separate ways.

To her own surprise, Gwyn found that Tamlin's company wasn't entirely unpleasant. Then again, that may have been because he hadn't spoken to her since they'd left.

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