Moving On

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Bonus Chapter 8/12

Moving On

Home is the nicest word there is.

- Laura Ingalls Wilder

Song: Home Again - Michael Kiwanuka

Azriel's shadows lingered like a blindfold over Gwyn's eyes as he guided her farther and farther away from Velaris, just to where the river broke between the trees and funneled into the Sidra.

"I can hear water..." Gwyn said as Azriel gently tugged her along. "The ground is getting more and more uneven so I know that we are going into the woods..."

"If I'd known training you in observation meant it would be impossible to surprise you ever again I would've declined the invitation," the shadowsinger drawled. "Nearly there."

Gwyn's footsteps were tentative, careful of wayward roots or rocks – unbeknownst to her, Azriel had spent this last weekend battering the earth with the flat side of a shovel to create a well worn path that would lead up to this most extravagant birthday present.

"Are you ready?" he asked as they drew ever nearer.

Gwyn nodded. Azriel steered her by her shoulders and positioned her so that his surprise was framed directly before her. His shadows skittered, anxious to unveil their gift. Azriel came to stand beside her, a shaking hand on the small of her back as he exhaled the tension in his chest.

"Alright, open your eyes."

His shadows dissipated, removing the blindfold they'd created and Gwyn's teal eyes shot open. The hands she'd held clutched before her torso fell limply to her sides. The smile on her lips faded. Gwyn's expression became drawn as she took in the sight. As she finally laid eyes on the house he had built them.

"Happy birthday, Gwyn."

It wasn't as grand as the river house, or the town house, but it was sizable for something that Azriel had made with his bare hands. He'd even bedded the mossy clearing with soil, creating a spacious front-yard. And upon it sat a cabin. Their cabin.

It had a peaked roof that dipped to hang over a small porch. The build was sturdy and the front and sides were lined with glass paned windows - some rectangular and some square. It had an addition that extended to the side and front, ending with a tall stone chimney and a rounded outcropping. The room with the chimney was actually the one Azriel was most eager to show her. Well, aside from the backyard.

But her face. Azriel's stomach plummeted at the distant look in her eyes. She didn't seem disappointed. She didn't seem angry. But she definitely didn't seem happy.

He swallowed the lump in his throat, and reached for her hand, his shadows dancing nervously along his forearm. Gwyn dazedly placed her fingers in his palm and let him tug her towards the cabin.

Azriel led her up three short steps and onto the porch. He gestured to the two rocking chairs, "Erm, Cassian built those. And the overhang... you love reading on our balcony when it rains so I figured it would be useful. For that sort of weather, I mean."

Gwyn nodded and Azriel had a feeling that was the best response he could hope for from her for the duration of this tour.

The shadowsinger dipped his free hand into the pocket of his trousers, then removed an iron key. He fitted it into the lock of the front door and pushed it open, gently pulling Gwyn inside behind him.

Directly to the right was a bench built into the wall, above it empty hooks and beneath it a space for shoes. He gestured to it loosely and offered her a wry smile. "Not... That's not very exciting, but erm... this is the foyer." Azriel pointed towards the arched doorway to the west, "That leads to the dining room. Shall we?"

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