Chapter 29 - Songbird

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"Life damages us, every one. We can't escape that damage. But now, I am also learning this: We can be mended. We mend each other."

- Veronica Roth

Song: Surrender - Natalie Taylor

The two hour flight to their assigned coordinates was nearly silent the entire time. Occasionally Gwyn would strike up a conversation and Azriel's responses were polite but brief. He was treating her with that careful charm. That sort of well-mannered cautiousness with which he addressed most everyone. It felt... strange. It was the same feeling as when you accidentally put a shoe on the wrong foot.

She would've been grateful for this nonchalant behavior back when Morrigan had set her sights on them, but now they were alone. She didn't like this.

Eventually, Azriel landed them in a tiny clearing, situated in the middle of the Spring Court's woods. From the sky, in the very far distance, Gwyn could make out the border between Prythian and the Human Lands. Even farther, she could see the tiny dots of the Spring Court's village. Who knew how wide the world actually was? Even after pouring over maps and books it was difficult to comprehend. Probably, because she hadn't existed outside of the library and House of Wind for over two years...

When Azriel set her down on the grass, Gwyn froze as though the ground beneath her may move. His forehead creased in concern.

"This is the farthest I've ever been from home," she said weakly. "From the library, from Velaris, from Sangravah."

The shadowsinger's smile was sheepish, but there was a sad sort of familiarity in his eyes. As though he recognized her feelings. "It's... baffling isn't it?" He glanced about the tall trees. "To realize just how much exists outside your own world."

Gwyn nodded. "Especially when your world was a library for more than two years. You have no idea."

"You would be surprised," muttered Azriel, now looking at his feet. "There's really no way to reconcile it. It takes time."

"You sound like you have experience."

He swallowed, grimacing. Gwyn couldn't help but notice the haunted look in his eyes.

Her lips parted to pry further, but Azriel interrupted her, jerking his head towards a towering cliffside just through a line of trees. "I believe we're meant to stay in a cave just through there."

So he wasn't ready to discuss. That was fine. But Gwyn confessed to being very curious. Especially recalling that his particular gifts could manifest through solitude...

Another time.

"You've been here before?" she asked, following him as he started towards the trees.

"No, my shadows scouted."

"What? When?"

His shoulders lifted nonchalantly. "While we were talking."

Gwyn continued over the uneven ground. "Do they often act of their own accord?"

"They have their habits. Ones I've instilled in them."

"Like scouting?"

The shadowsinger nodded. "Scouting, detecting truth and lies, sensing danger and instinctively shrouding me." They broke through the tree line, arriving before the cliffside and the mouth of a cave. "We should set up camp. Tomorrow we can start searching for weapons caches or any signs of my attackers."

Gwyn noted just how detached his voice sounded while her blood seemed to boil at the mention of the people who'd nearly killed him.

Azriel glanced over his shoulder at her as they entered the mouth of the cave, his lips curving up in an amused smile. "I wonder, are you less alarmed by your thirst for vengeance now that you know it's a mating bond and not any potential lightsinger blood?"

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