Chapter 54 - Deep

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"Sex is an emotion in motion."

- Mae West

Song: Crazy in Love (Remix) - Beyonce'

Gwyn pushed open the door to Azriel's chambers just enough to allow herself entry, then slipped inside.

The shadowsinger, wearing only trousers, was propped up on his elbow on the bed, eyes scanning a large map that was laid out before him.

Gwyn shut the door behind her and Azriel's shadows perked up, pointing in her direction. Azriel lifted his head and the second his eyes met hers, that heart-melting crooked smile spread on his lips.

"This is a surprise," Azriel said, pushing aside the map and rising up to sit on the edge of the bed. "Cassian is holding a briefing first thing in the morning. Shouldn't you be getting rest?"

Gwyn said nothing, only crossed the bedroom on shaking legs. She prayed Azriel didn't notice, but of course, his shadows curled around his ears, informing him of her nerves. She could see the flicker of concern in his eyes.

"Gwyn," he said in a soft voice.

Her eyes fell over the carefully sculpted muscles of his chest and abdomen and then his strong arms. Gwyn lifted her hands on either side of the shadowsinger then let her fingers trail down his shoulders, through the wisps of his shadows, feeling every dip and curve, ending at his wrists. Then she took his hands and inclined her head just slightly. There was a roaring in her ears and her heart was pounding against her ribs, but she forced herself to speak.

"Azriel," Gwyn said. Then as slowly as she dared, she guided his hands to rest on her hips.

The shadowsinger's eyes widened and again he said: "Gwyn..."

She closed her eyes, summoning her courage. "I want to pick up where we left off against that tree, Shadowsinger." At the feeling of his long fingers pressing into her skin, heat began to pool in her core. Gwyn exhaled a shuddering breath. "Please."

He was silent, and the quiet forced Gwyn to open her eyes. To see if there was an answer on his face. They both wanted this. Why should he say no?

But the look on his face betrayed nothing. His expression was carefully blank as he studied her closely. Even his voice was unreadable. "Are you certain?"

Gwyn nodded and arched her back, closing the gap that separated them so that her hips were between his thighs. So that he could easily see down the front of her tunic. "I told you. I'm tired of waiting."

If she had looked away for even a second, she would've missed that flash of hunger in his eyes.

Azriel quickly schooled his features into a mask of neutrality, but slid a scarred hand up the side of her waist, over the curve of her breast, and then lifted it to cup her cheek.

All the longing, all the need, she could feel it in the thumb that brushed over her bottom lip. She leaned into his touch, pressing a kiss to the edge of his palm.

There was a rumble in his chest and Gwyn felt all her restraint vanish. The remaining chains that bound her were pulled taut - and then broke one link at a time.

She felt it. Exactly what Azriel had described. The earth shifting beneath her feet. The world blurring out of focus to the point where Azriel was the only thing she could see. Her blood sang, her heart pounded, and she saw it. That tether he'd described.

But it wasn't a tether. Azriel had been mistaken.

It was a ribbon. A shimmering golden ribbon that glowed brighter and brighter.

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