Chapter 31 - Night

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"You can't avoid mistakes and bad luck."

- Mikhail Tal

Song: Dancing in the Moonlight - Toploader

The shadows surrounded Gwyn and Azriel, snuffing out the fae light and laying like a dark blanket over their bed-mats and packs.

The voices drew nearer and Azriel rolled Gwyn off of him, then yanked her back so they sat with her back against his front, his arms wrapped tightly around her. She peered through the familiar cyclone of black that shrouded them, trying to make out who was approaching.

Shadows flickered long across the mouth of the cave, and one, two, three... seven males came into view. Narrowing her eyes, Gwyn could see their ears were rounded.

"Human," Azriel breathed in her ear, confirming her suspicions.

A man with a torch stepped into the cave, his eyes scanning every inch. Gwyn went rigid against Azriel's body, her jaw locking. She knew that they could trust his shadows, but would they really hide them this close up? Azriel's fingers dug into her upper arm, giving her a comforting squeeze.

It didn't help.

The man's eyes soon drifted over them, and for a moment Gwyn thought her heart may actually break through her ribs... But then he turned around and went back to his group at the mouth of the cave.

"Nothing. Must've been a mistake," he said, voice like coarse gravel.

"She doesn't make mistakes," another man said. "We wait here. At least until dawn. Then we can make the deposits and report back."

There were murmurs of agreement amongst the group, as they began to set down their things and make their own camp. Gwyn was still stiff as a board against Azriel. These men were going to stay ?

"Do we... do we fight back?"

She felt Azriel shake his head. "No. We listen. No innocent conversations happen in the dead of night. And I want to find out who 'she' is."

"Can your shadows keep us hidden until dawn though?"

"Yes," he said, though she could hear uncertainty in his voice. "I'll just need to do my part and stay awake. They're stronger when I'm conscious."

Gwyn turned her head to look up at Azriel, only to realize just how close he actually was. He tucked his chin and they were nearly nose to nose.

"You're going to stay up all night?"

The corner of his lip kicked up. "I forget you are new to this. Yes, I will stay up all night. It's not so difficult of a feat."

"Well, I'll stay up with you," said the priestess primly.

Azriel chuckled. "That's impractical. I'll need rest in the morning and you'll have to keep watch." The shadowsinger lifted his wings and braced them against the ground, so he could lean back, pulling Gwyn with him. "You rest."

"What? Now? " she gawked.

He nodded.

"I can't sleep when the men who attacked you are..."

Realization struck Gwyn hard and fast. These were the men responsible for the shadowsinger nearly dying. These were the men who had attacked him. These were the men who had nearly killed her mate. Her vision flashed, her skin suddenly searing with a fiery rage. These men were going to die. Slowly.

But before she could stand, Azriel's arms wrapped around her tightly, clutching her back to his front again. She struggled against his embrace.

"I know you're angry, songbird," he said, breath tickling her ear. "But we are on an assignment."

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