Play the Fool

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These next chapters take place after the main story - NOT AFTER THE EPILOGUE.

There will be twelve chapters total for the "Twelve Days of ACOLAM Bonus Chapters"


Bonus Chapter 1/12

Play the Fool

"Friendship must be built on a solid foundation of alcohol, sarcasm, inappropriateness and shenanigans."


Song: The Jokes On You - Charlotte Lawrence

It was a new installation, this balance beam, but one that Gwyn had found invaluable. It had been Azriel's idea. He'd expressed that there would be many uncomfortable stakeouts in her future. They would involve perching in trees or sitting in rafters to observe targets and perform recon. Sleeping on branches and hiding in shadows only great heights could provide. It was something one typically grew talented at over time, but Gwyn wasn't inclined to miss out on the opportunity to prepare. And thus this new piece of equipment had come to inhabit the training ring.

The balance beam, raised several feet off the ground and spanning about five yards long, had consumed all of Gwyn's time for the past week.

She squatted on it, bracing herself for as long as possible. She napped on it, trying to keep herself aloft even in her sleep. She balanced on her stomach, on one foot, on her side, perfecting every angle and position. She had even had Azriel beat his wings at her, simulating a strong breeze that would further challenge her steadiness.

"I wonder what other things we could practice," Azriel had asked, leaning on the beam as Gwyn continued to balance on one foot. " Stakeouts can be very long endeavors. It's important to... stay loose."

Gwyn grinned at the memory, strolling down the length of the beam and pausing at the very end, preparing to dismount.

It had been two weeks since Rhys had accepted her proposition of training to be the Valkyries' Spymaster and Azriel spent nearly every moment of their apprenticeship flirting. A part of her wanted to scold him for not taking her training more seriously, but a larger part of her delighted in their freedom to openly express interest in one another. To spar in the ring and pin Azriel to the mat then dip her head to press a kiss to his lips without fear of someone seeing. To stroll the streets of Velaris, hand in hand. To sit in the river house parlor with their family and enjoy having Azriel's arm wrapped around her shoulders without drawing amused stares.

No, no one was "amused" any longer by their silent displays of affection. Although, their family made no secret of their adoration for the new couple... And Rhysand was fond of prodding them to have a mating ceremony already...

"The longest hold outs yet," Rhysand had remarked, swirling his wine. "It was a matter of months for Feyre and I. I should say the same for Cassian and Nesta. Given they openly loathed each other up until a month before their ceremony." He had only angled his head when Azriel scoffed. "If you don't wish to be teased, maybe don't be so publicly besotted..."

Gwyn had blushed furiously, but her stomach swarmed with butterflies learning that Azriel's affections for her were so obvious.

Gwyn dismounted the beam gracefully, smiling to herself, and brushing off her hands.

"What's this?"

Gwyn whirled around towards the entrance of the training ring. Rhysand entered, hands stuffed in his pockets as he admired the balance beam.

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