Chapter 44 - What this Word'll Throw

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"It always seems impossible until it's done."

- Nelson Mandela

Song: Don't Give Up on Me - Andy Grammer

In the following days, Azriel, Gwyn, and Tamlin came to the conclusion that patrolling the woods was too dangerous with such small numbers. When the rest of the inner circle arrived with reinforcements and faebane antidote, they would resume their efforts, but as of now, a quick check of the perimeter every morning and evening was all they could afford. The humans were too well equipped.

In the meantime, a majority of Azriel and Gwyn's days were consumed by making preparations for the Summer Solstice and her training. And as in all things Gwyn was taught, she was learning fast.

The day after Azriel had healed she'd succeeded in illuminating her palm and the shade beneath the tree where they practiced. It had taken just three tries and she'd managed to accomplish the feat by only humming (not singing ) a single note.

The next day, she began working on absorbing the sun's rays with her song and filling her entire body, not just her palm. Under Azriel's instructions she was able to glow dimly, but not burn as she had that day they'd fled the Archeron estate.

"If you're holding back for me," Azriel said, displaying a scarred hand, "please don't. I'll be fine."

Gwyn grimaced. "I wish I could say yes, and that this was a result of me being incredibly thoughtful—"

"As usual."

Gwyn nodded, "Yes, as usual. But it isn't. I just can't do it..." She shrugged hopelessly. "Unless I'm enraged or near death I can't do it."

"A dangerous crutch," noted Azriel. "That's enough for today. Let's move on to something else..."

Gwyn knew by the tone of his voice what he meant. Her shoulders slumped. "Azriel, I don't even know where to begin with compulsion - if I even have it."

"You said that the guard seemed to obey your orders..."

"Seemed being the key word, Shadowsinger," she groaned. "I was starved, exhausted, bruised, I could've been seeing what I wanted to."

"Listen. It's just you and me. Try it."

Gwyn blanched at the idea of forcing anyone, much less her mate, to do her bidding. To take away their free will. She saw the edge of his lip kick up, as he rubbed the back of his neck, bicep twitching beneath his leathers. Godsdammit, he knew exactly what he was doing. He knew exactly what made her weak.

"How dare you," she said, pointing a finger at him.

The crooked smile broadened. "Don't know what you mean."

"Don't know what you mean," she mocked in a low pitched voice.

Azriel laughed, a deep bellied sound that made her cheeks crimson.

"Come now," said the shadowsinger, closing the distance between them. He leaned over her, head bent to meet her eyes and that breathtaking grin on his face. "Won't the female I love give me a tiny demonstration?" He inclined his head lower so his lips brushed her cheek. "Is it not enough that I'm her mate to get her to try this one, little thing for me."

A tremor ran down her spine and heat pooled deep her belly. She took a slow, cooling breath and stepped back, doing her best to fix the shadowsinger with a chiding look. "First of all, you cannot seduce or charm me into doing your bidding - I am far too stubborn to fall prey to your wiles." Azriel snorted, but Gwyn maintained a stoic expression. "Second, it's not as though I'm nervous to fail, it's that it feels wrong to... to order you about."

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