Chapter 40 - Linger

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"You can't look back - you just have to put the past behind you, and find something better in your future."

- Jodi Picoult

Song: Pale Blue Eyes - The Velvet Underground

Fifteen minutes later Azriel and Gwyn were seated in a booth at the back of Rita's, sharing a basket of fried dough. Azriel had ordered himself a drink and when he made an attempt to choose something for Gwyn she had quickly interjected that she would have exactly what he had ordered. The server had left with a short nod of her head.

Azriel grimaced. "I don't know that you're going to like it."

"Why? Cause it's a male's drink?"

"No, because it's an acquired taste," the shadowsinger chuckled. "And it's a drink more meant to evoke a certain feeling than tempt the taste buds."

Gwynriel plucked up a piece of dough, raising a brow. "And what feeling is that?"

He grinned abashedly. "Eloquence."

"Oh, I'm not in short supply of that, Shadowsinger."

"Another reason you don't need the drink..."

"With every protest you make towards me not trying this drink, I just want to try it more. This is the obstacle course all over again."

Azriel leaned back in his seat, the side of his lip pulling up just slightly. "I remember how hard you pushed your group. I was... surprised."

"Well, I don't know why," Gwyn snorted. "You knew I wanted to win."

"I did, but I hadn't taken you for someone that could be so assured in their actions," said the shadowsinger apprehensively. "It's one thing to have faith in yourself and another to have faith in your ability to instruct others. You took to it like a fish to water."

She arched a brow. "Is that a river nymph joke?"

Azriel laughed to himself, rubbing the back of his neck. "It wasn't intended to be."

The server returned with two glasses of tall, dark liquid, then left with a cordial smile.

"After you," Azriel said with a crooked grin. "I insist."

Shooting him a quick glare, Gwyn raised the glass to her lips, taking a small sip. It was far more bitter than wine and not in the same sweet way. It was like molasses. There was something equally pleasant as there was unpleasant to the flavor; the warm sensation that followed her swallowing more than made up for the way it tasted.

"What's the verdict?" asked the shadowsinger, taking a drink.

Gwyn shrugged. "Not bad. But I don't feel more eloquent."

"And why would you? As you said, you don't need any aid to be eloquent."

"You sound like you don't believe that..."

"I believe that there's a fine line between being eloquent and being talkative," Azriel said with a teasing smirk. "But you toe that line quite well. Better than Cassian at least."

"Such high praise," she deadpanned.

Azriel laughed again, the sound filling the room and crinkling his eyes. Gwyn felt a smile spread on her lips. She liked making him laugh. She liked being the one who could break his stony expression. Anyone who met Azriel would assume at first glance he was incapable of laughter, but in truth he was more than susceptible. You only had to catch him off guard. Speaking of...

"Weren't you supposed to boast to me today about what it was like to have the bond snap into place?"

Azriel gave her a pointed look. "Snap into place first. "

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