Chapter 56 - My Tongue is a Weapon

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"Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive."

- Walter Scott

Song: Young God - Halsey

Strapping on her leathers, Gwyn tried to scrub the image of Azriel's sleeping face from her mind. He had fallen asleep, holding her in his arms, listening to her babble endlessly about the last book she read.

Gwyn had talked and talked as though she wasn't about to betray his trust. As though she wasn't going to slip out and go on a mission he would undoubtedly object to.

She pulled on her boots, inhaling a cooling breath, and reminded herself that if all went according to plan she would be back in time for breakfast. Let him berate her about lying to him when they were on the winning side of this battle. At least she'd have something to show for it. Hell, if he wanted she'd make a bargain with him. A bargain where she swore never to keep secrets again.

Because what good had secrets ever been between her and Azriel?

Walking down the moonlit hallway, Gwyn jumped at nearly every noise. This assignment was strictly between her and Rhysand. Gwyn didn't know what she'd say if Nesta or Feyre or Emerie caught her in the corridor wearing her fighting leathers and weapons.

Thankfully, her walk went undisturbed and she arrived in the kitchen to see Rhysand waiting patiently by the back door. He was dressed in that fine jacket he'd been in earlier. Perhaps he had told Feyre he was having a late night. Or maybe he had slipped out as well and grabbed the first thing he could find. Or maybe--

Focus, Gwyn...

Catrin was right. It didn't matter what Rhysand had told Feyre or what she had told Azriel. What's done is done. Now it was time to act.

Rhysand motioned for her to follow him out to the back lawn. As silent as night itself, the High Lord opened the back door and left. Gwyn followed after, hoping she was just as quiet.

Rhysand continued across the grounds towards the tree line. They exchanged no words until he stopped at the edge of the lawn, wings extending.

"I'm only going to ask once," Rhysand said, his voice gentle, "you are certain you want to do this?"

For a moment, Gwyn's thoughts drifted back to Azriel. To his peacefully sleeping form. To the smile he'd worn when she told him she wanted to pursue their bond. To the ribbon he'd pulled out from beneath his pillow.

    This was bigger than all of that.

She was doing this for everyone, including him. If they didn't get Elain then the battle with the humans would lead to much bloodshed. Potentially Azriel's. That couldn't be allowed.

And least of all - not that Gwyn would admit it even to herself - she wanted to confront Elain...

"I'm certain," Gwyn said. Her eyes scanned the High Lord's wings (and she tried not to compare them to Azriel's considerably larger ones). "Why don't we just winnow there?"

"I want to scout your route to our meeting point. Ensure that you don't run into any trouble," he said as casually as if he were discussing the weather. Likely for her benefit. "Ready?

Gwyn nodded and sidled up to the High Lord. He scooped her up in his arms. Gwyn held her breath, and then the High Lord launched himself into the night sky.

They flew in silence for some time, Rhysand's violet eyes scanning the silvery trees and grassy plains beneath them for any signs of a threat.

"That's where you'll meet me in a few hours. Right there," Rhysand said about halfway through their flight.

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