Chapter 38 - Keep Me Here

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"We had grown into one another somewhere along the way. We were officially a team."

- Shannon A. Thompson

Song: It's Ok - Tom Rosenthal

To Rhysand and Feyre's credit, they didn't seem the least bit upset that Azriel and Gwyn had encountered Tamlin or that Azriel had killed Nolan Graysen. They were rather alarmed to hear of the fate of the old Archeron estate and that somehow all of this had been pulled off right beneath the Spymaster's nose. But like Azriel had promised, they were mostly glad that Gwyn had survived.

But Gwyn could see Rhysand holding Feyre's hand on the desk they both sat behind, squeezing her fingers whenever Tamlin's name was mentioned.

And even as Gwyn listened intently to Azriel relay the events that had transpired and explain her newfound magic, what had happened less than an hour ago fought for attention at the center of her mind. Poking her brain whenever she tried to focus on the situation at hand.

The bond. It had snapped for Azriel. What did that mean? What did that mean for her? What did it mean for him?

"We knew peace with the humans would be tenuous," Rhysand muttered, spurring Gwyn from her thoughts. "And we knew the Graysens were wild cards. Neither of those things surprise me. Especially Graysen taking the former Archeron estate as his own..."

"How they managed to get fae bane though..." Feyre added. "They had to have stolen whatever stores were left after the war. Maybe Hybern hid some..."

Rhysand nodded, drumming the fingers of his free hand on the table. "I agree. They would have had to have help transporting it and keeping this operation secret. Maybe it wasn't Tamlin, Lucien, Jurian, or Vassa but it has to be someone inside Prythian. The sooner we act the better. Emerie and Morrigan said that nobody in town behaved suspiciously but that doesn't absolve everyone in the Spring Court."

Feyre looked at her mate. "Nesta and Cassian reported minimal activity in the human lands outside the border, mostly just Jurian's restoration efforts. They would've noticed a band of humans trafficking goods. But they returned after only two days. Something could have happened afterwards. While Gwyn was captive."

Gwyn wondered if they'd stayed a bit longer if they would've found her. If they could have rescued her before Azriel showed up.

"Forgive me, Gwyn," Rhysand said. "I should've asked Nesta and Cassian to check in on Graysen and see if any tensions had arisen."

Gwyn shook her head. "You didn't want to provoke anyone. I understand."

"This is the second time I've failed to accurately gauge a mission I sent you on, Miss Berdara," the High Lord exhaled. "And the second time you have proven you're well up to the task regardless." His brows lowered, and he was no longer the silver tongued ruler of the Night Court. "You have my apologies. Rest assured, I always make amends."

Before the priestess could dismiss his vow to atone for a mistake he clearly had no control over, the High Lady interjected... Likely knowing exactly what Gwyn planned to do.

"Gwyn," Feyre said in a gentle voice. "Could you provide us with a demonstration perhaps? Of the gifts you mentioned?"

Gwyn's mouth was suddenly very dry. She threaded her fingers together, twisting them nervously. A demonstration? As much faith as she had in herself and in the fact she was "still Gwyn", she did not have faith in her ability to use her magic. Not on command.

"I'm not sure I have control of it yet. I don't think it would be wise."

Feyre waved an errant hand. "Say no more."

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