Chapter 70 - More Than Anything

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"I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more."

- Angelita Lim

Song: I Guess I'm in Love - Clinton Kane

"Azriel, repeat after me," Deirdre began, her eyes shining with tears. "I, Azriel."

"I, Azriel," the shadowsinger said softly.

Gwyn beamed up at him, the ivory silk of the gown clinging to her waist contrasting with the pink blush of her cheeks.

She was a vision in white. Her freckled shoulders were on display along with her clavicle. The long sleeves hugged her arms before flaring out dramatically at her wrists. The fabric cascaded like a waterfall towards the blades of grass beneath their feet and rippled in the gentle breeze of the creek behind them. Gwyn couldn't recall a time where she'd felt so beautiful in her life.

With Azriel in his obsidian suit jacket and Gwyn swathed in white, she was the light to his darkness.

"Offer you myself," Deirdre continued, "in accordance to the Cauldron and Mother blessed mating bond."

"Offer you myself, in accordance to the Cauldron and Mother blessed mating bond."

Somewhere in the small audience gathered in Azriel's mother's forest yard, Gwyn heard Cassian clear his throat. She nearly grinned as she imagined the Illyrian general weeping.

Deirdre proceeded with the next line of vows, "I pledge in honesty and with sincerity to be for you, an honest and devoted mate."

"I pledge in honesty and with sincerity to be for you, an honest and devoted mate," Azriel repeated, his voice husky and eyes lined with silver.

Gwyn wondered briefly if she was the only person capable of keeping her composure through this ceremony...

Then again, she felt rather warm, the blue invoking stone pendant of her necklace - a mating gift from Clotho - was cool against her skin.

The piece of jewelry was not only meant to be a reminder of how far Gwyn had come, but also a display of Gwyn's devotion to Azriel. As were his siphons to her. His cobalt siphons and her sapphire colored pendant an embodiment of their belonging to one another.

And as though reading Gwyn's thoughts, the next vows Deirdre relayed were:

"I am my mate's, and my mate is mine."

Azriel exhaled a trembling breath. "I am my mate's, and my mate is mine."

Deirdre turned to Gwyn now, and Azriel's gentle grip on her hands tightened affectionately. His shadows danced across their knuckles in excitement.

Though the priestess turned to Gwyn, the part-lightsinger could not look away from her mate. Could not stop beaming as her chest tightened to the point of pain.

"I, Gwyneth Berdara, in accordance to the Cauldron and Mother blessed mating bond."

Gwyn repeated Deirdre's words, watching the setting sun dry the tears that rolled down the sharp plains of Azriel's face.

"I pledge in honesty and with sincerity to be for you, an honest and devoted mate."

And as Gwyn finished the sentence and said the word "mate," she found that her own voice broke. Her own eyes stung. Out of the corner of her vision, she spotted Nesta and Emerie clutching one another's hands, watching intently as their friend, their sister, started this new chapter in her life.

Deirdre's voice was thick with emotion. "I am my mate's, and my mate is mine."

And as Gwyn repeated the vow, she realized that no truer words had ever been spoken. "I am my mate's, and my mate is mine."

"We bless the Cauldron for creating joy and happiness, mates, gleeful song, gladness and jubilation, love and harmony, serenity and union; and we thank the Mother for letting these mates to rejoice together." And the priestess shut her text, hugging it to her chest before saying: "In the name of Mother and by blessing of the Cauldron, this union is fortified. This bond is secured. These fae are mated."

Though it wasn't necessarily custom, though it wasn't required, the shadowsinger released his mate's hands and lifted them to thread in her carefully braided bun. Gwyn leaned into his embrace, hands gripping his ebony suit jacket and pulling him closer to her as his lips slanted over hers. She deepened the kiss, and even as their family and friends applauded and reveled in their seats, Gwyn only heard the gentle pounding of her mate's heart. The heart that belonged to her.

After serving Azriel a small cinnamon pastry that she had prepared with his mother, the hunger began to set in. The desire to pull him so deep into her that she would lose her breath was increasing by the minute.

And it must've been obvious because Azriel's mother, Rhysand, Cassian, and Emerie soon met them beneath the floral archway. It was adorned with roses that Elain had sent from her exile. She'd uncovered a rare breed somewhere in her travels. A mating gift for the happy couple.

It didn't escape anyone's notice that the card read: Best wishes, Elain Archeron and Lucien Vanserra.

From the pocket of her gown, Azriel's mother removed a length of white ribbon.

Their ribbon. The one Azriel had suggested be involved in this day so long ago.

Typically the mated pairs' hands would be bound with black ribbon, not to be removed until the mating bond was consummated, but an exception had been made for that custom. How could it not be for the ribbon that started it all? The ribbon that had launched this passion to sea. The ribbon that had already bound them more than a year ago.

"Gwyneth Berdara, please lift your arm and place your right palm to Azriel's left."

Gwyn obeyed her mate's mother's command and felt the calloused pads of Azriel's fingertips press against hers.

Slowly but with a warm smile that met the hazel eyes she shared with her son, Azriel's mother began to wrap the ribbon around their joined palms. Then she passed the ribbon to Cassian. Then Cassian to Rhys. Then Rhys to Nesta. Then Nesta to Emerie who tied it off. One time around for each family member. Winding it around and around until the two mates' hands were firmly fastened together.

Azriel's shadows swirled around their wrists like snakes made of smoke.

Gwyn's new mother inclined her head, first placing a kiss on Azriel's cheek and then Gwyn's.

"Remember when strife blooms, love will nurture," said Azriel's mother in a fond voice.

It was a good day for her.

Azriel smiled at her faintly, returning the gentle kiss he'd received. "Thank you, Mother."

Over the months that Gwyn had gotten to know Azriel's mother, she had quickly learned the best way to communicate with her was to avoid speaking in the riddles she was prone to using. His mother responded best to easy conversation.

"I am fortunate to have your son in my life," Gwyn said with a dip of her head. "Thank you for sharing him with me."

Azriel's mother's smile broadened, her hand stroked Gwyn's shoulder.

The newly mated pair met each other's gaze and the tender love became something hungry. Something feral and claiming.

"Are you ready, songbird?" asked Azriel with a watery chuckle.

And with absolute certainty, Gwyn answered: "Yes, Shadowsinger."

Azriel's shadows wreathed the two, and still smiling at one another, they vanished together. Darkness and light incarnate.

** no teaser tonight - tomorrow is the epilogue — Can't believe it's ending but it's been great <3

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