Chapter 24 - Help a Fool

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I have a big day tomorrow and fear I won't have time to release the chapter in the morning.
So without further adieu, I give you the next chapter an forty five minutes early.

"Confession is an act of honesty and courage..."

- Pope John Paul II

Song: Ophelia - The Lumineers

Gwyn only got a few hour's sleep after leaving Azriel's chambers and when she woke the next morning, she was still resolved to speak with him about the mating bond that day.

It was apparent after her race up the stairs into the House last night that Gwyn was far from being able to train at full speed again, so when she went to the training ring for the morning session, she had only intended on observing. Once the lesson was over, she would ask to speak with Azriel privately and request that they make some time to meet this evening. Perhaps over dinner or a walk about the House.

Either way, it needed to happen today. Gwyn was too close to bursting with the news to keep it to herself any longer. Whether she was bursting with excitement or anxiety she couldn't tell...

What would he think? Would he be surprised? How would this affect them? Would they lay a silent claim to one another? How would knowing she was his mate affect Azriel's already protective nature?

What if he was upset?

He was a beautiful male after all. Azriel could have any female he wanted. What if Gwyn was just a set of shackles?

Thinking like that will do you no good, Gwyn... Catrin said in a warning voice.

Gwyn entered the training ring where Cassian was currently leading the recruits in stretches, while on the other side Azriel was arranging a row of targets. She took a seat on one of the observation benches and watched patiently. Then she noticed a shadow on Azriel's shoulder curl against his ear.

The male whirled around from the target he had just adjusted to face her. His expression was unreadable. Gwyn hadn't considered until this moment how the events of last night may affect them... Would he be embarrassed after displaying such vulnerability?

She didn't have to wait long to find out as the shadowsinger came striding over. He stood before her with hazel eyes burning. "Gwyn. I am aware that I promised not to speak on your behalf, so I will simply ask: do you think it wise to resume your training today ?"

Apparently nothing had changed. A thought that brought a faint smile to her lips.

The priestess gestured to the robes she wore. "Do I look like I came to train, Shadowsinger?"

"You're just here to observe then?"

"Mmhm. Then I have my shift. Where I can't handle books over eight thousand pages..." she smiled, flashing him the bargain marking on her forearm.

Azriel chuckled at that, the tension in his shoulders loosening. "I was actually going to come see you later. Everyone is coming here for supper this evening. Would you be... interested in joining us?"


"Yes." Azriel looked at his boots, nervous as a bridegroom it seemed. "Morrigan is going to invite Emerie and I'm sure that Nesta was going to invite you but—"

"Morrigan is inviting Emerie, hm?" Gwyn smirked.

The shadowsinger's lips twitched. "You see it too."

"Of course I do. I'm not blind. "

"Mor is... not subtle," snorted Azriel. He lowered his voice. "Do you think Emerie has noticed?"

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