Part II: Mate - Chapter 26 - Recommend Me

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"... a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge."

- George R.R. Martin

Song: Bookstore Girl - Charlie Burg

One week later...

Azriel pushed the book cart beside Gwyn as they walked up and down the library aisles. While she was healed for the most part, it must not have been entirely, because her bargain mark with Azriel to not lift any books over eight thousand pages remained. She had little more than two weeks to finish the work Merrill had given her and half of it was collecting various volumes she wasn't allowed to lift.

Azriel had most willingly agreed to assist her in those duties.

The blame for the accidental bargain tattoos could be shared, but it was endlessly entertaining to compete with the shadowsinger to see which of them was least guilty. Currently, they'd settled that Gwyn was the most innocent, but Azriel swore he'd figure out a way to get a leg up on her.

"You are without a doubt the most competitive male I've ever known," she murmured as they continued down the aisle of healing texts. Her eyes combed the shelves for Merrill's desired book.

"You're one to talk..." snorted Azriel.

Gwyn pointed to a thick, green spine just out of her reach. "That one."

Wordlessly the shadowsinger reached for the book, long fingers tipping it out into his palm.

Cauldron, when would she finally have the courage to ask that he put those fingers inside her? When would she get to feel those large hands cup her breasts? Ever since they'd discussed being mates, her trips to the bathing chambers in the dead of night had become more frequent. She continued to imagine her and the shadowsinger accepting the bond, tangled up in his sheets day after day until they were spent with pleasure.

"Where to next?" Azriel asked.

Gwyn shook her head, trying to clear her mind, then unraveled Merrill's scroll. "Ugh, we have to go down a level and to the other side. Historical events section." She tucked the paper back into her robes with a sigh.

To her pleasant surprise, Azriel only nodded and turned the cart around to head towards the downward ramp. She followed after him, smiling to herself.

"So... any nightmares as of late?" Gwyn asked.

She didn't miss the way Azriel's grip on the handle of the cart tightened. "Mercifully, no. And yourself?"

"No," she smiled. "It's been a blissful month and a half."

"I take that means no more dreaming of seducing me?"

"You've conveniently managed to leave out the part where I was ripping into your jugular," Gwyn muttered as they continued down the ramp. "And no. Those stopped after our first assignment."

"Out of curiosity... did they start after Amren's birthday when you said you didn't want to pursue our relationship further?"

"You know, if I recall, we both agreed to that..."

" I said it felt wrong though," he added with a prideful grin.

"I agreed with you..."

"And yet?"

"No one likes someone who says 'I told you so.'"

"But I enjoy it so much."

"That doesn't make it any less aggravating, Azriel, " smirked Gwyn.

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