Chapter 28 - Meant to Be

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"Sometimes even the smallest of words can be the ones to hurt you."

- James Hilton

Song: Best Friend - Rex Orange County

Gods, she'd had nearly a month. A month to get herself together. A month to pull her mind out of the gutter and prepare for this assignment like the Valkyrie she had proven herself to be.

But what had she been doing when she wasn't training, spending time with Azriel or teaching Deirdre how to be Merrill's assistant?

Visiting the bathing chambers in the dead of night. Consistently . No one to accompany her but her imagination and her fingers.

Gwyn hadn't expected to be so... so eager. Hadn't she agreed to postpone accepting the bond for that very reason?

That reason, among other things, Catrin's sensible voice interjected. You still know so little about him.

And he probably has a lot to work through before... before he wants to start anything with me...

In her mind, she saw Catrin offer a sympathetic look. What rule says he has to do that alone?

True. Azriel had helped her see through her own bull shit. He'd helped Gwyn work on herself. Where was this written law that said someone had to conquer their demons alone?

Besides, there's no rule that says you both have to accept the bond to have sex...

Also true.

Gwyn finished making her bed in the dormitories, then started for the dining room in the House of Wind. The High Lord and Lady, Morrigan, Emerie, Nesta, Cassian and Azriel were all supposed to meet for breakfast before they set off in their assigned pairs to the Spring Court.

They were to leave immediately following.

Gwyn thought of traveling through the Spring Court in Azriel's arms. Morrigan was to winnow them all to a remote location bordering Tamlin's lands, and from there they would go to their respective coordinates. It would take about two hours, airborne, to arrive at their destination. Two hours where he cradled her in his strong arms, the heat of his body pressing against hers.

Suddenly Gwyn's summer leathers felt exceptionally warm.

She'd been fitted to them last week at the river house and quite liked their look. They were lighter than her Illyrian leathers allowing her an amazing range of flexibility. They were also very easy to take off with far less buckles.

Easier to take off, hm? Catrin snickered.

Fiddling with her gloves, Gwyn allowed herself a small smile and entered the dining room.

Everyone was already seated, conversing mildly with one another. Gwyn's cheeks heated. She glanced at the grandfather clock that indicated she was only a few minutes late. When the hell had everyone become so punctual?

Gwyn squared her shoulders and started towards the table.

She noticed the seat at the end beside Azriel and across from Morrigan was free. Saved for her?

The shadowsinger's eyes met hers and the edge of his lip kicked up as she lowered herself into the chair. Gwyn treasured that look he wore when she entered a room. Like he'd just been presented with a meaningful gift.

"Good morning," he said.

Gwyn pasted on her best smile, masking her stuttering heart and lingering anxiety. "Morning." She regarded his dancing shadows with a nod. "Hello, to you all as well."

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