Chapter 15 - Fade Me

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"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."

- Helen Keller

Song: Used to the Darkness - Des Rocs

Azriel and Gwyn crossed to the other side of the river, following the tracks. When they finally faded, Azriel pointed out more signs that could indicate movement. Twigs, bushes, or branches all flattened and pointing in the same direction. Differentiating the scent of sweat from the damp smell of the earth. Indents in the earth where rocks or logs had once been - moved to provide seating.

It felt like one of her mystery novels. Picking up the clues and piecing them together. Operating on observation and luck alone. Azriel certainly fit the genre of the hero in her books.

Dark and handsome, swathed in shadow, shrewd eyes that saw more than others. At one point he had stooped to the earth, studying a pattern that she couldn't quite see - though that could have been because she had been so caught up in comparing him to the handsome male protagonist from The Death of Four Maidens.

Eventually, the trail ran dry. Gwyn felt her stomach churn. Had they failed? The concern on her face must've been evident because Azriel fixed her with a reassuring look.

"We should take to the skies now. See if we can spot a campsite. Maybe a cave. Anything they could be using for shelter." His brows drew together, lips in a flat line. "Would you prefer to wait here while I conduct a sweep or would you like to come along?"

Gwyn sidled up to him timidly.

It was strange to believe that just this morning she'd comfortably clambered into his arms, and now there was some hesitance...

It would come to her later, she realized, how exactly their conversation had affected her relationship with him. His promise to assuage her fears, his offer to kiss her, the way he had taken her hands.

Gwyn slid her arm around his neck. "It's probably best if I come along," she murmured. As the side of her body molded against his, she felt something spark in her chest. Gwyn wondered if Azriel felt it as well, but thought better than to ask. "A partner would accompany you, would they not?"

The shadowsinger nodded, bending to hook an arm beneath her knees, then standing up straight and tucking her against his chest. "Typically, yes. Alright, deep breath."

Gwyn obeyed and Azriel shot straight into the sky. Wind roared in her ears as they broke through the treetops, ascending higher and higher until they could just make out the forest floor through the canopy of leaves below.

Azriel lunged forward, and slowly but steadily they flew overhead. Gwyn knew that she should be studying the forest below, but her focus drifted to Azriel.

Gone was the playful, jesting male from Windhaven. Vanished was the stoic romantic from their walk through the woods. Missing was the friend who had taken her hands and promised her reassurance. In his place was the Spymaster.

Observant, cool, calculating.

His eyes met hers briefly, then went back to the earth beneath them. "They aren't foolish enough to start a fire or fly overhead. To spot them we'll need to look for some sign of a campsite. Tarps. Bed mats. Pots and pans. Even in the early days of summer, they wouldn't survive a night in the forest's cold without the proper provisions." The shadowsinger's grip on her shoulder tightened just slightly. "The commanding officer says he hasn't seen Grisham for days. He and his friends have likely built a small outpost - one that can be easily moved."

Gwyn tore her eyes from his face, looking down at the forest. "Do you think they've already moved for the day?"

"I think if they haven't they will soon. The sun is about to set. They won't want to travel in the dark. Grisham probably had them set up camp a few hours ago. It's possible he left someone behind to guard the sisters or keep a lookout—"

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