Chapter 13 - Lost with You

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"Always be a little kinder than necessary."

- James M. Barrie

Song: My Blood - Ellie Goulding

Azriel flew them to the outskirts of Windhaven. Upon landing, he paused, still holding Gwyn in his arms. He met her gaze, eyes intent as the shadows that curled around him seemed to caress Gwyn's shoulders soothingly. "Are you ready?"

After a moment, Gwyn realized he was asking if she was ready for him to set her down. If she was ready for her feet to be on the ground of a place that wasn't the House of Wind or Velaris. Anxiety roiled in her gut. She cooled the burning in her chest with a deep breath then nodded at the shadowsinger.

For a moment, Azriel appeared skeptical, but he quickly relented and lowered her to stand.

To her surprise, the earth did not shake and Illyrians did not appear out of thin air to scowl or hurl abuses at her. The world was still and in the distance, she could make out the soft buzz of conversation from the residents of the settlement.

Gwyn straightened her leathers and squared her shoulders, then turned to Azriel. "Bag, please," she said, holding out an arm.

He offered a brief smile and she could see admiration in his eyes as he handed over her pack. "Our first stop will be Emerie's shop. Our weapons are waiting for us there. She may also have some information on Harper and Alma."

Harper and Alma, they had learned, were the names of the missing sisters. According to Azriel, today would begin with tracking down rumors. If they were lucky, they would end their day with a vague idea of where the rumors would lead them.

"Remember," the shadowsinger said, "you tell me if someone looks at you wrong..."

His expression was playful, but she could see a hint of the male from Rhysand's study. That threatening spark in his eyes, his hands clenching and unclenching.

"I won't forget," she said with a half smile.

Despite the hum of conversation Gwyn had heard on their way into the village, the streets were sparsely populated. Likely it was still early for anyone who didn't own a shop.

Gwyn was grateful for that small mercy, but at the same time disappointed. She wanted to get the scrutiny of the Illyrians out of the way. She wanted to gauge how they would react to her for the duration of their stay as soon as possible, so she could prepare herself.

Instead, Azriel and Gwyn received only a few curious glances before they arrived at Emerie's shop. The soft jingle of a bell announced their arrival and the female emerged from a pantry behind the counter.

She scoffed at the sight of them. "I see. So when I ask the High Lord if I can help with this case, he deems it 'a conflict of interest,' because I'm Illyrian; but if the Illyrian is a shadowsinger , it's different."

"The High Lord's issue wasn't that you were Illyrian, but that you reside in Windhaven," Azriel said indifferently. "I do not."

"Oh?" Emerie asked, resting her elbows on her counter. "Where do you live?"

Gwyn's brows furrowed as she looked up at the shadowsinger beside her. "Good question."

He shrugged. "Wherever I am needed. Sometimes the town house in Velaris. Sometimes the river house. Depends on my mood. I mostly stay in the House of Wind."

Emerie tilted her head. "I don't know you well, Shadowsinger, but I don't think I could see you lounging about a townhouse. Doesn't seem... austere enough."

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