Chapter 60 - No Man

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"Bran thought about it. 'Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?'

'That is the only time a man can be brave,' his father told him."

- George R.R. Martin

Song: Hurricane - Halsey

Gwyn wasn't sure how much time had passed by the time they reached The Spring Court. She knew they'd stopped to rest and eat once, but otherwise their travel had been downright militant. Sometimes men even ran from the caravan to relieve themselves in the woods then jogged or sprinted back to the group before they were left behind.

The first time the wagon had halted Gwyn's stomach had plummeted and her palms had begun to sweat. But then she had learned they were stopping to rest and the relief she had felt was dizzying.

Relieved as she may have been though, Gwyn recognized that that feeling of impending doom would only return upon their arrival in The Spring Court.

Gwyn had been allowed to use the restroom and have a bit of bread and water, then was promptly thrown back in the wagon, where she dozed uncomfortably.

The wagon lurched to a stop again, jolting her from her sleep. Her back was stiff and her heart was pounding. And then she felt it. Hard and strong and like cedar and mist. The sweating in her palms and sinking in her stomach was accompanied by something else. A strange tugging sensation in her chest.

"We're here," Elain said. Gwyn had forgotten the female was sitting across from her. The Archeron sister's posture was erect. "Remember your end of the bargain, Gwyn. Think of everyone. Think of Azriel."

Gwyn's blood boiled, her breathing was shallow. Think of Azriel. That was all she could do. Especially since Elain had made it clear that deviating from the plan in any way would result in his death.

Not if you're careful, Gwyn.

Closing her eyes, Gwyn took a deep breath in through her nose.

Remember the plan. Remember the plan. Stick to the plan. Stick to the plan.

Before Gwyn could get a fraction of mind-stilling in, three of Graysen's men were at the back of the wagon. One of them opened the panel doors before helping Elain out of the wagon, while the second and third unlocked Gwyn's chains and hauled her out onto the lush, green grass. The second Gwyn's feet hit the earth she felt the return of her magic. It was back in full force. Apparently her meager meal and uncomfortable nap had done a world of good for her powers despite the faebane still leaving her system.

Two guard's held Gwyn by the elbows, the third at her back with a spear. It wasn't tipped in faebane though, Gwyn noted. Likely because of how much hinged on Gwyn's abilities. Not surprising.

However, what was surprising were the two spear wielding guards that stood on either side of Elain; and while their spear tips weren't coated in faebane either, they were still aimed at her.

Elain glanced between the guards, her eyes widening just slightly.

Did she see what Gwyn saw? Could she tell that Graysen viewed her as a treacherous fae and not the woman he loved? That he saw her as an advantage, not a person?

Gwyn opened her mouth, daring to point it out, when Graysen swept around the back of the wagon, hand resting on the pommel of the short-sword at this side. Elain looked at him, her expression like a wounded animal.

"A formality, darling," Graysen said with a shrug. "Nothing to concern yourself with."

Elain looked skeptical, but nodded all the same. Graysen's fingers brushed hers, as he took a step closer to Gwyn. Those blue eyes that had leered at Gwyn when he had first met her in that cell glinted with disgust, but she could also spy a hint of arrogance. He was so assured in his victory. And maybe he was...

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