Chapter 67 - It Just Hurts

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"We don't heal in isolation, but in community."

- S. Kelley Harrell

Song: Bubble Gum - Clairo

The following morning, when Gwyn made her way downstairs, she found Elain donning traveling clothes with a rucksack at her feet.

In the doorway Lucien, Feyre, Rhysand, and Nesta waited, exchanging quiet conversation.

Gwyn was content to offer Elain a nod, uncertain if the female felt like talking moments before departing for exile, but...

"Gwyn," Elain said softly. When Gwyn paused at the base of the stairs, Elain continued, "I'm glad you found another way."

She couldn't quite bring herself to smile, not wholeheartedly at least, but Gwyn nodded. "Me too."

"When he had you compel me, when he had me at the tip of a spear, I knew then that..." A self admonishing sigh. "I was a fool."

Gwyn frowned. "He was the first person to be concerned for you in a long time. Compassion goes a long way, especially when you're... recovering. He took advantage of you." Gwyn found herself reaching for the female's hand. "Don't forget what I said." She swallowed the thickness in her throat. "It gets easier."

It was hard to look at Elain, a survivor in a different way, and not feel sympathy. Gwyn found herself glad the consequences of the female's actions were equal parts punishment and rehabilitation.

Elain's smile was sad. "Perhaps when I return to Velaris someday we can have that lunch?" Gwyn nodded and the female's eyes moved down to their matching bargain marks. "I suppose you have till your deathbed to complete the agreed upon compulsion."

"Yes, but... I have something fairly harmless in mind," Gwyn smirked.

"I know you do. Don't wait till your deathbed."

"I don't think I'm capable of that," she snorted. Gwyn released Elain's hand. "But after that, I don't ever want to use that side of my magic again. No good can come of taking away someone's free will."

"Perhaps," she shrugged. "But with your magic, Azriel may have no need of a dagger called Truth-Teller. Something to consider."

"Care to say more?" Gwyn asked with a raised brow.

"I think I ought to be more careful with how much of the future I divulge from now on," grimaced Elain. She looked over at Lucien. "But this is right. It always has been."

Gwyn did not know Lucien well, but from the conversation they had shared and from what she had heard, he seemed to be a good male. And Elain, despite her demons and wrongdoings, was good at heart. She wished them every happiness.

"Goodbye, Elain."

Elain's farewell had left Gwyn melancholy, and much to Azriel's resentment, she parted ways from him to go on a walk through the grounds. Just to be alone with her thoughts. To clear her head.

When she returned it was late afternoon.

Azriel was nowhere to be found. According to Morrigan, he and Cassian had flown to the Mortal Lands to see that everything was in order for Jurian to start overseeing Graysen's men and his estate. He was to begin determining sentences today. However, thanks to Gwyn commanding the mortals not to return until they were ready to broker peace, the need for confinement or cells was minimal.

As such, Gwyn found herself once more wandering about Tamlin's estate, but this time in search of company. In search of Nesta and Emerie.

She found them by the hedges on the back lawn, side by side on a wooden bench.

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