Want Your Sex

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**Set after the mating ceremony (aka the final chapter of ACOLAM - not the epilogue)**

Bonus Chapter 6/12

Want Your Sex

"We are all born sexual creatures,thank God, but it's a pity so many people despise and crush this natural gift."

- Marilyn Monroe

Song: Teeth - Lady Gaga

"I yield, I yield," chuckled Azriel as Gwyn leveled the wooden blade at the base of his throat.

But instead of withdrawing her weapon, Gwyn held fast. She stared down her nose at him where he knelt before her, a sly smile playing on her lips. And Azriel knew then that she felt it. She felt that consuming heat of the mating bond.

They'd only come out of their frenzy last week, after a very pleasant two months away. Two months that were supposed to be one month, but had to be extended after Azriel had nearly leveled the dining room when Cassian said that Gwyn 'looked well.' It had taken Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyn to pry Azriel off of his brother. His mate had even had to use compulsion to get him to leave before he drew too much blood.

Cassian had just laughed and murmured something about it being his turn to be the chaperone around the House of Wind, then Azriel had scooped up Gwyn with a hasty apology and they'd returned to the cabin they'd formerly been sequestered in.

And now here they were. More than two months gone since accepting the bond and still constantly hungry for each other.

Azriel grinned up at his mate whose chest he knew was heaving not just because of their sparring. No, he could scent exactly what had her so breathless.

"Ask it of me," Azriel said, his voice suddenly low and husky. "You know you want to."

Gwyn's small smile broadened, and the next thing he knew, her bare foot was pushing him onto his back, splaying his wings wide beneath him. Azriel laughed, hazel eyes crinkling as he drank in the moon and stars above them – their only company as was usual during their late night sessions.

Gwyn bounded onto him, her knees straddling his hips as she unsheathed Truth-Teller from his thigh.

Azriel felt himself harden against the laces of his trousers, the bond between them hummed loudly. "What are you going to do with that awfully large dagger, Gwyn?"

She ran her free hand down his bare chest, stopping at the waistband of his pants. "I'm going to cut these clothes off of you, Azriel Berdara," she purred. Then she dipped her head and pressed a savage kiss to his lips.

He kissed her back hungrily, hands lifting to rest just above her ass.

Gwyn moaned as his fingers dug into her leathers. "I'd ask you if you were alright with that," she said, hovering over him now, hands planted on the floor above his shoulders. "But I think I know the answer."

The shadowsinger only nodded, and Gwyneth Berdara set to work. She shuffled down so that she straddled his knees and leaned forward, the blade of the dagger snipping the laces at the crotch of his trousers. She cast the dagger aside and then with a strength that indicated just how badly she wanted him inside her, Gwyn shucked his pants all the way down to his ankles. While he was still lying down.

"Gods, Berdara," Azriel gasped. "Where is this upper body strength during training?"

Gwyn said nothing, only giggled as she staggered to her feet and yanked his trousers down the rest of the way so that he was bare before her. Her eyes drank Azriel in from head to toe and the way she eyed his prone form made him grateful for the chill of the night breeze. Because he was burning for her.

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