Chapter 68 - Clear

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"Happily ever after, or even just together ever after, is not cheesy," Wren said. "It's the noblest, like, the most courageous thing two people can shoot for."

- Rainbow Rowell, Fangirl

Song: I See the Light - Mandy Moore & Zachary Levi

"This is a very thorough first report, Gwyn," Rhysand said, lifting the weighty stack of papers that she had delivered to him this morning. He dropped them, letting them fall with a definitive thud onto his desk. "You're sure it covers everything?"

Gwyn frowned over at Azriel who sat in the chair next to her. "It should. I had Azriel proofread it."

"Twice," Azriel half-smiled. He arched a brow at his brother, eyes flicking to the door that led out of his office. "Have you had your fun? Can we be dismissed, High Lord? "

Rhysand leaned back in his chair, threading his hands over his abdomen. "I actually have a final question, if you don't mind, Spymaster. "

The corner of Azriel's lip twitched and he waved a hand.

Rhysand's violet eyes moved back to Gwyn then down to the bargain mark on her forearm. "How do you intend to fulfill your bargain to Elain? Theoretically, you could wait till your dying day."

Gwyn saw the amusement in his stare and felt her heart lift. She'd thought long and hard about her "bargain" with Elain the past two weeks. She'd had a few harmless ideas but one that was particularly ambitious. One that she wouldn't have thought of without Elain's cryptic advice.

"But with your magic, Azriel may have no need of a dagger called Truth-Teller. Something to consider."

Reading her expression, Rhysand angled his head. "I trust you. My shields are down. Go on."

Stacking her spine, Gwyn glanced at Azriel then back at the High Lord. " Allow me to advocate and apply for the position of Valkyrie Spymaster. "

Gwyn observed a third of the rosebuds on her forearm vanish. She felt a weight lift from her chest.

Rhysand's brows shot up and beside her she felt Azriel's eyes on her.

"Explain," the High Lord said curiously.

"The Valkyries are a separate division from your Illyrians or Darkbringers. We'll need ranks and positions. I nominate myself for Spymaster. Additionally, I'd like to recommend Nesta for General and Emerie for Commander. Three essential positions that you established when building your court's defense."

Rhysand huffed a laugh. "You've certainly done your research."

Shrugging, Gwyn continued. "I think each of us is more than suited for the position with enough training." She looked at Azriel whose expression was carefully blank. "And Spymaster, wouldn't you find it useful to have an apprentice that can compel the truth out of suspects?"

Azriel's eyes narrowed as he studied her. Gwyn noticed the shadows excitedly coiling around his ear and nipping at his neck.

Rhysand hummed in approval. "A spymaster that can discern the honesty of his suspects and a spymaster that can pull the truth from the guilty's lips." He nodded. "I see the appeal. But of course, I'd like my current spymaster's opinion."

Gwyn held Azriel's stare, lifting a single brow in challenge. The shadows continued to wriggle and curl like children begging for attention.

"I could be persuaded to give the idea a chance." His lips twitched briefly. "I agree to take on Gwyneth Berdara as an apprentice and assist her in her pursuit of becoming Spymaster."

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