runaway love

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layla woke up in emma's and olivia's hotel room, the said girl stretched out her arms hearing her bones crack, letting out a small groan before she climbs out of emma's bed hearing emma and olivia in the bathroom with music playing behind them talking.


olivia and emma both turned to layla with smiles on their faces, "morning," emma embraced one of her best friend's girlfriend in her arms, "morning layla," layla smiled at olivia before she pulls back from emma embracing olivia in her arms.

layla sat on the counter in the bathroom, "i'm gonna go to my room," she told her friends coming out of their room, going to her hotel room, opening the door when a bunch of lyrics just started to come to her.

she opened her voice recorder app, saying the lyrics into her phone so when she got back home, she could write what she wanted and make a song out of that.

layla comes onto tiktok seeing her lastest tiktok videos having 31.2 million views, pressing onto the videos seeing she had 10.4 million likes on both videos.

she goes through her for you page when she sees some black headed girl flirting with her girlfriend, layla looks at the girl's username, kamilabattilana.

layla has heard of that name before especially when her and anna weren't dating, she remembered her girlfriend having a small crush on kamila.

layla clenched her jaw turning off her iphone, going into the bathroom making herself presentable, going through her suitcase getting out a blue bandana top with black mom jeans and her white air forces knowing her girlfriend loved when she wore blue.


ana, carson, jeff, nate, tayler and adrien are in layla's hotel room currently making tiktoks with the said girl who madd a new dance with jeff with the bussing sound.

ana makes a dancing video with layla who smiled in the video as the two girls looked aphetically good in the tiktok video.

layla smiled once the tiktok ended watching the tiktok over ana's shoulder seeing the end product of their video, seeing it turn out amazing, "let's post that shit and go bowling,"

oscar was also invited along with their friends, he had seen a video of kamila and anna flirting openly on one of kamila and anna's fan pages, he wanted to tell his best friend, he just knew once layla found out, she'd do something she'd regret.


oscar wrapped his arm around his best friend's shoulder walking jessie layla towards the uber that was waiting for them.

he looked at layla once the said girl got into the uber, oscar knew he couldn't keep it to himself, he needed to tell his best friend about what's happening back in los angeles.

"i need to tell you something,"


layla was on the phone to her girlfriend talking about the whole situation with the whole openly flirting with kamila on her tiktok live like she didn't have a girlfriend.

"anna, if you wanna flirt with kamila, then flirt with her but don't do it openly behind my back, knowing that i am not even flirting with anyone here,"

anna scoffed on the other side of the phone, "oh we both know that's not true, i know that you are flirting back with vinnie," layla bit her lip frustrated with what her girlfriend is saying, "if you want to break up, then break up with me layla,"

"stop making excuses so you can flirt with vinnie without having to worry about me," layla clenched her jaw, "you know, i knew you would break my heart—"

anna was going to say something with layla talking over her, "take your stuff from my apartment, and leave the key behind too," she stated before ending the phone on her now ex girlfriend.

oscar and everyone else looked to layla, who ran her hand through her hair not wanting the tears to fall down her face, "are you okay?"

layla lets out a breath, "yea, i just.. it's nothing," she shakes her head, "let's play bowling," tayler and oscar looked at each other knowing their friend was hurting with everything that just happened with anna.

layla sat out for this bowling round messaging the ex just a house girls about what happened between her and anna, knowing they'd probably stuck with anna since they have known anna for more longer.

layla: i love you girls forever and always ❤️

she runs her hand through her hair putting her phone onto her lap watching as tayler now bowls the bowling ball, with the ball going straight into the gutter, "dang it,"

tayler placed himself down beside layla who pats his back, "look, just know that i'm here for you," layla smiled sincerely to tayler knowing he was being truthful, "thank you, it's just—"

she lets out a breath, "i still love her but knowing that she's flirting with someone else back at home, just doesn't sit right with me," tayler nods his head bringing layla into his arms, "it's gonna be okay, i'm here for you, we're all here for you,"

layla blinked her tears away, putting a hand over where tayler's hand was wrapped around her shoulder, "i'm scared to go back home, cause i know once i go, i know that we'll be officially over," tayler frowned.


anna sat in her bedroom shocked, she hadn't spoke to anyone since everything happened with the just a house girls all calling anna telling her to check out tiktokinsiders where they posted about layla and anna broken up.

"it's actually over,"

she sat there numb not thinking straight, she stands up wanting to get out of her apartment, layla did say she wanted her to take back all of her stuff, anna didn't want to go into layla's apartment.

layla sat in the middle of the uber as everyone chatted amongst themselves with ana looking at her, "hey, i know you're upset about you and anna, but i know you two will work things out, if you're soulmates then you'd work things out,"

layla nods her head to what ana said, "mm," she agreed to what ana was saying not wanting to believe her and anna's relationship is actually over.

when she comes into instagram about to post something on her story when tiktokinsiders post was at the top of her page saying how her and anna had broken up.

layla furrowed her eyebrows, how did people already know her and anna broke up, they hadn't post it anywhere, she comes onto the comments seeing most of her and anna's fan accounts extremely upset saying that anna and her will get back together soon.

layanna.13: if their soulmates then they'd come back together in the future.
(liked by laylapaige)

layla didn't mean to like the comment, she was reading through the comments people replied back to what the ship fan account said.


ana said about what layla had just done, "oops," ana chuckled getting out of the uber once they got back to their hotel building, "i need to go and talk to emma, but i'll see you guys tomorrow,"

ana and the rest of them nod their heads with oscar coming beside layla walking with his best friend to his hotel room what was close to olivia's and emma's hotel room.

oscar departures at his hotel room opening the door leaving layla to go to the two girl's hotel room, nerves kicking in when emma opened the door seeing her best friend's ex girlfriend standing there.

"what the actual fuck happened?"

emma brought layla into her hotel room wanting the full gossip on what happened between anna and her ex girlfriend knowing the two of them are made for each other.

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