HP) Out of the Hospital (D.M.)

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Out of the Hospital (Draco Malfoy X Reader)

Fandom: Harry Potter

Requested: Yes, by @dogmom2014 on Tumblr

Warning: Injury depiction

W.C.: 926

: 926

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A white, blinding light had emerged from your cauldron and shot you backward. You were experimenting with different ingredients and chemicals in your lab. When you left Hogwarts, you wanted to make potions. You wanted to be known for making something that would cure the incurable. So you delved into potion-making. The ins and outs of potions, ingredients, chemicals, and different diseases. You were brought back into the moment when your back and head hit the glass cabinet full of test tubes.

Your eyes flickered, sight blurry. You could make out a change in scenery and a couple of fuzzy figures surrounding you. Eyes locking on the one closest to you, you tried to get their attention. "Am I going to die?" You whispered. Your voice was scratchy and hoarse.

"No, you're going to be fine, (Y/N/N). Just don't close your eyes, can you do that for me?" He, as you could tell, said. You couldn't pinpoint the voice, but he did sound familiar. You tried to nod, but a restriction around your neck kept you from answering. "You're okay, you have a brace on your neck while we get you to St. Mungos. Tell me what you were working on before the explosion."

"I was trying to find a cure for AIDS," you whispered. The man was still blurry but you could tell that he was sitting next to you, taking tests. "I want to be remembered. I was never the brightest at Hogwarts, but I wanted to make a difference. I went off the grid to do my research in peace. The ministers have been trying to steal it ever since I started."

"What made you want to do potions?" He said as he checked over a monitor.

"Was the only thing I could do," you laughed half-heartedly. "I sucked at everything else at Hogwarts. Couldn't even play Quidditch right. I remember promising Professor Snape that I would try my hardest to change the world. He told me I could; I just needed to find the right combination of chemicals and ingredients."

"Tell me about Hogwarts. What about your house or friends?"

"I was a (House). I was kind of an outcast. I didn't really talk to people because everyone seemed better than me, so I just hid in the shadows. It was easy to hide when the Boy Who Lived was in the same year as you. I wanted to make friends with anyone, but I always pushed them away. I remember one guy, Draco, he kept checking in on me. I remember seeing him during the battle, and instead of killing me, he just told me to run. I never understood why." The man was silenced; he remembered thinking that you had better people to be with. Draco always thought you were better than most of the wizards and witches, but it never crossed his mind that you had been doubting yourself. In the silence, you found it difficult to keep your eyes open, and Draco was too lost in his mind to keep you awake.


When your eyes open again, you are in a hospital room. Beside you was a constant beep from a machine that was monitoring your heart. You tried to sit up a couple of times, but a pang would strike you to the point that you laid down again.

"Don't stress yourself out. Can you remember what happened?" A male healer said as he walked around from behind a curtain. He looked familiar to you, but you couldn't put your finger on it.

"I was messing with chemicals, and it exploded. I think I was shot back. After that, it's kind of fuzzy. I remember being in an ambulance, talking with one of the guys in the back about Hogwarts."

"Yup, seems like you're pretty aware of the situation," he laughed. "Also, I was the one you were talking to. My name is-"

"Malfoy," his name finally came back to you. "Draco Malfoy. Long time since I've seen you around."

"Yeah, it has been a while, I guess," he laughed before turning to the small refrigerator to grab a small water bottle for you. "Here, drink this while I go get some meds that will help your headache."

While he was out of the room, you drank the water and thought back to everything you said on your way to St. Mungos. Redness spread across your face as embarrassment sunk in; you talked about Draco to the man himself. You were never going to live that down, in your mind. Before you could spiral too much, Draco walked back in with a tray that had a medicine cup, jello cup, juice box, and spoon.

"Thought I would get you something small to eat as well," he said, setting the tray down beside you. "However, I want you to take these first. It will help with your pain until we are able to use healing spells."

You took the pills as he checked on your vials. Once those were down, you grabbed for the jello and spoon. You waved the spoon around as you joked, "So, doc, am I gonna live?"

He laughed breathily before stating, "I'm almost positive."

"Good because we should get butterbeers sometime," you giggled lightly, waving your spoon of jello around. "Maybe when I'm not in a hospital bed though."

"It'll be my treat since I'd feel bad making you pay after getting out of the hospital."

"I can pay for myself," you defended, "but I'm not gonna turn down an offer."


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Till next time,


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