RPF) Simp Season (C.H.)

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Simp Season (Corpse Husband X Actor! Reader)

Fandom: RPF

Requested: Yes via Tumblr

Warnings: Strong language

W.C. 1548

Summary: The reader (gn) reveals three big announcements upon their return to streaming.

Summary: The reader (gn) reveals three big announcements upon their return to streaming

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{(Stream Name) is live: guys im back! announcement!}

"Alright chat, ones in chat if you can hear me," I started the stream, making sure my loading screen was up and not just a blank screen. I looked over to the chat to see many ones and some twos in chat along with people saying hi and welcome back. "Chat, chat, chat, I missed you guys! I have some announcements for you."

"Live?" A voice behind me said. I turned to find my boyfriend, Corpse, walking in with a water bottle for me.

"Yeah," I said to him, holding my arms out not only for the water but for a hug as well. He jokingly fell into my arms before pulling up a second chair to my desk. He was nervous for the stream because we were announcing our relationship, I was announcing my face reveal, and he was nervous to play the game. "Chat, say hi to our special guest, Corpse. He's here for a few minutes before he goes to his room to play the game."

"Whaddup baby," he said into my microphone. I just laughed as chat blew up with greetings and some thirst traps.

"Alright, chat, are you ready for the first announcement?" Messages flew by in curiosity and some guessing what the announcement was. "Okay, so, contrary to popular belief, I am not single."

"Yeah, you're my bitch," he joked with a nervous laugh as he reached over to hold my hand.

"Yeah, I'm your bitch, babe," I laughed back, squeezing his hand in reassurance as messages of shock and disbelief filled the chat. "If you think we're lying, I'll turn the hand-cam on."

"Don't make them turn the hand-cam on," Corpse warned with a more relaxed laugh. "You know they fucking will."

"Too late," I said as our intertwined hands came into view on the screen. "You can tell it's his hand because of the rings, chat."

"Also could be the fact that I only post hand pics," he laughed again.

"Nope, definitely the rings, babe," I teased, leaning over to kiss him gently before continuing. "Alright, chat, next announcement. You ready?"

"I am ready," Corpse spoke for chat as messages flew by in response.

"You already know it," I laughed again. "Okay, chat. I am doing a face reveal." I stopped to let that sink in. The chat froze entirely for a second before exploding and moving faster than I had ever seen it before. "Not today or this week, but it will happen."

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