RPF) The Early Bird & The Night Owl (Pedri)

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The Early Bird & The Night Owl (Pedri X Reader)

Fandom: RPF/FCB

Requested: Yee

Warnings: sleep meds (1 time)

Summary: Her schedule is crazy, and Pedri just wants some of her time.

W.C. 1405


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"She's a student, of course, she was a night owl," is what Pedri always told himself. However, with his training schedule and games, he had to be up early almost every morning. Most of the time, he was getting up just as she was going to sleep or right around the same time. It's not like she slept the entire day away. They had late afternoons together and evenings, but Pedri usually was in bed by 9 PM. That's when she would start her assignments.

It was hard. Working on a master's degree while working in an overseas company was difficult, and she had to alter her sleep schedule to keep up with her studies and her job.

Pedri understood. No matter how many times he told her to quit her job and that could help her financially until she finished her degree, she always said no. She wanted to work with this company after graduating, so quitting just to reapply in a year or so is not worth it. Plus, it took her almost a year to get the job in the first place! She did not want to give up the progress she already made.

Pedri understood that too! He had to work extremely hard to get his place in FC Barcelona, and he would never discount the effort he's seen her put in. It was her dream company, and he knew that once she moved up, she would have a better schedule. He selfishly preferred it to semi-align with his own, but he would have to wait and see. That's the joy of working for an overseas company!

At the end of every quarter, her company gave everyone a weekend off, so she was able to attend Pedri's match for once. He did not know until she took a melatonin candy right after dinner.

"What's that for?" Pedri asked when he saw her grab one of the candies while he was putting the leftovers away.

"I need to wake up early tomorrow if I'm going to go with you to your match," she said as if it were obvious as she ate the candy. When Pedri did not respond, she turned to see him frozen in front of the refrigerator. She giggled as she moved to close the refrigerator door and said, "Not expecting that?"

"Not exactly," He muttered as he wrapped his arms around her waist and hid his face in your neck. "You're wearing my kit, right?"

"What else would I wear?"


The next day, they woke up bright and early. It was weird for her to be waking up as the sun was coming up, but she knew she would have to pull an all-nighter tonight or tomorrow to get back on her schedule before Monday. That was a problem for the future. She was going to cherish the normal day she could have with Pedri before having to go back to her normal.

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