RPF) It Could Not Get Any Closer (A.K.A.)

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It Could Not Get Any Closer (Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Reader)

Fandom: RPF/Formula 2/3 (FRECA but shhh)

Requested: Yes

Warnings: brief mentions of almost crashing, but overall fluffy :)

Summary: The gap for Kimi to become the FRECA Champion could not get any closer.

W.C. 1724


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It was a tight race. Not just this race, but the entire season had been tight between Kimi and Martinus Stenshore. They have been running 1 and 2 since the start of the season, alternating between the two of them winning. It really came down to this last race in Hockenheim.

They were separated by three points going into this race with Martinus on top. The best part was the fact that they were split into different qualifying groups, so if they both qualified first in their respective groups, they would lock out the front row. It could not get any closer.

That is until their best qualifying times were within 0.001 seconds of each other. They had identical lap times until the very last corner where Martinus got the very slight upper hand. It could not get any closer.

That is until they went into the first turn. The track was wet, but the spray was manageable. Apparently, not manageable enough because Tim Tramnitz almost clipped the back of Kimi's car and took him out of the race. He didn't, but it could not get any closer.

That is until the final lap. The final lap nearly killed you, and you weren't even driving in it! Kimi and Martinus were neck and neck after the first lap incident, and neither were letting up. After a few turns, almost pushing each other off the track, a slight mishap led to Kimi seeing an opportunity to overtake at the last corner. They finished the race 0.012 seconds apart from each other. It could not get any closer.

But hey, that's a race, right? One has to win and one has to take second place. No one actually could tell who won the championship. They were just so close. All Martinus and Kimi knew was that they secured P1 and P2, that's it. They were neck and neck across the line. It could not get any closer.

Sitting on the pit wall with the team as they talked through the headset to race control was nerve-wracking. The cars were coming around the track, into the pitlane, yet the teams still did not have confirmation that either of their drivers won. You were staring at the screen, hiding half of your face under the t-shirt you stole from Kimi in an attempt to see which car actually crossed the line first, but your focus was broken when a team started screaming and cheering.

The Prema Team. That's who was screaming.

Kimi did it. Kimi won the Formula Regional European Championship.

You broke out of your shock when Rene along with a couple of engineers started shaking your shoulders and pulling you toward parc ferme. Tim had already pulled into third place by the time you all got there, and Martinus was just pulling in. Just then, a replay of Kimi's radio, when he crossed the line, sounded across the track.

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